Implement faster graphics operation on WPF Canvas

I am trying to build a simple graphics application in WPF C#. The purpose is to draw 10000*10000 rectangles of size 4 pixels each.

I have modified the OnRender method of the canvas to draw the rectangles. Drawings are performed for smaller number of rectangles (say 50*50 or 100*100 rectangles of 4 pixel each) but it is slowing down as I am increasing the no. of rectangles.

Following is my code:

  protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc)


        if (_ShowGrids)
            DrawGrid(dc); // draw grid lines
 void FillCells(DrawingContext dc)

        int cellSize=4;

        for (int i = 0; i < MaxRow; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < MaxColumn; j++)
                dc.DrawRectangle(GetRectBrush(i,j), GetRectPen(i,j), new Rect(j * cellSize , i * cellSize , cellSize - 1, cellSize - 1));


The above code takes more than a minute to draw 1000*1000 rectangles.

Is there any method to make this process faster? Is there any other thing I can use in place of this?


задан Vinod Maurya 25 October 2010 в 06:19