Последовательная связь с использованием WriteFile / ReadFile

//#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <windows.h> 
#include <winbase.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <tchar.h>
using namespace std;

int main()

    int com = 'COM2';
    string data = "\n 010400 \n";
    char output[32];
    //unsigned int length = 0;
    DCB config = {0};
    bool abContinue = true;
    DWORD dwBytesWritten;
    DWORD  dwBytesRead;
    int isRead = false;

    HANDLE m_hCommPort = ::CreateFile(L"COM2",
        GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,//access ( read and write)

        0,    //(share) 0:cannot share the COM port                        

        0,    //security  (None)                

        OPEN_EXISTING,// creation : open_existing

        0,    // we dont want overlapped operation

        0// no templates file for COM port...


    config.DCBlength = sizeof(config);

    if((GetCommState(m_hCommPort, &config) == 0))
        printf("Get configuration port has a problem.");
        return FALSE;

    config.BaudRate = 9600;
    config.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
    config.Parity = PARITY_NONE; 
    config.ByteSize = DATABITS_8;
    config.fDtrControl = 0;
    config.fRtsControl = 0;

    if (!SetCommState(m_hCommPort, &config))

        printf( "Failed to Set Comm State Reason: %d\n",GetLastError());
        //return E_FAIL;

    printf("Current Settings\n Baud Rate %d\n Parity %d\n Byte Size %d\n Stop Bits %d", config.BaudRate, 
        config.Parity, config.ByteSize, config.StopBits);

    int isWritten = WriteFile(m_hCommPort, &data,(DWORD) sizeof(data), &dwBytesWritten, NULL);

    //memset(output, 0, sizeof(output));
    while (abContinue) 

        isRead = ReadFile(m_hCommPort, output, sizeof(output), &dwBytesRead, NULL);

            abContinue = false;



У меня проблемы с чтением через com-порт. Если я пошагово просматриваю код, он переходит в «isRead = ReadFile (m_hCommPort, output, sizeof (output), & dwBytesRead, NULL);» и не выходит обратно .... Это моя первая безуспешная попытка.

задан lYriCAlsSH 17 May 2011 в 22:30