Странная ошибка LINQ to SQL .Union ()

(полное воспроизведение см. Внизу))

Со следующей сущностью ...

internal sealed class Employee
    private EntityRef<Employee> manager;

    [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true)]
    private int Id;

    private int? ManagerId;

    internal bool IsOverpaid;

    [Association(Name = "Manager_Subordinate", Storage = "manager", ThisKey = "ManagerId", IsForeignKey = true)]
    internal Employee Manager
        get { return this.manager.Entity; }
        set { this.manager.Entity = value; }

... этот запрос завершается ошибкой NotSupportedException с сообщением " Типы в Union или Concat построены несовместимо. ":

var overpaidTopManagers =
    from employee in context.Employees
    where employee.IsOverpaid && (employee.Manager == null)
    select employee;
var managersWithOverpaidSubordinates =
    from employee in context.Employees
    where employee.IsOverpaid && (employee.Manager != null)
    select employee.Manager;
var query = overpaidTopManagers.Union(managersWithOverpaidSubordinates);

Я действительно не понимаю, почему оба запроса производят один и тот же тип объекта, поэтому объединить их не должно быть проблемой?

Полное воспроизведение следует:

using System;
using System.Data.Linq;
using System.Data.Linq.Mapping;
using System.Linq;

internal static class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
        using (var context = new Context("Whatever.sdf"))
            if (!context.DatabaseExists())

            var overpaidTopManagers =
                from employee in context.Employees
                where employee.IsOverpaid && (employee.Manager == null)
                select employee;
            var managersWithOverpaidSubordinates =
                from employee in context.Employees
                where employee.IsOverpaid && (employee.Manager != null)
                select employee.Manager;
            var query = overpaidTopManagers.Union(managersWithOverpaidSubordinates);

            // This throws a NotSupportedException with the Message
            // "Types in Union or Concat are constructed incompatibly."
            foreach (var manager in query)

internal sealed class Employee
    private EntityRef<Employee> manager;

    [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true)]
    private int Id;

    private int? ManagerId;

    internal bool IsOverpaid;

    [Association(Name = "Manager_Subordinate", Storage = "manager", ThisKey = "ManagerId", IsForeignKey = true)]
    internal Employee Manager
        get { return this.manager.Entity; }
        set { this.manager.Entity = value; }

internal sealed class Context : DataContext
    internal Table<Employee> Employees;

    internal Context(string fileOrServerOrConnection) : base(fileOrServerOrConnection)
        this.Employees = this.GetTable<Employee>();
задан 26 July 2011 в 19:46