What is the best way of using DTOs in a SOA application?

We are implementing a SOA web application using EF, WCF and jQuery.

Here is our architecture in a brief view:

-------------   ---
|    UI     |  |   |
-------------  |   |
| Services  |  | D |
-------------  | T |
| Businsess |  | O |
-------------  |   |
|    Dal    |  |   |
-------------   ---

We know that we should have DTO classes to pass data between the layers specially between the Services and the UI but We have some conceptual issues about the way of using DTOs (to send to the UI or receive from UI).

For Data-Driven project we can use POCO to generate the DTO objects automaticly. But in big applications it's not that simple.

We know two solutions to solve our issue:

First solution (using POCO besides the new manually created DTOs)

For example suppose that we have an entity with many fields. And there is a lookup combobox that shows the entity records. We need just an entity key as the combobox value field and another field (for example Title) as the combobox text field. So we create a method named "GetAllItemsTitle" to retrieve all entities. Now we should just return the structure which we want (A key and a value in this example). So we have to create a new class to store that structure (A key and a value) in it.

This will be the new DTO class:

public class SampleManuallyDto
    public long Id { get; set; }

    public string Title { get; set; }

And the method signature is like this:

public List<SampleManuallyDto> GetAllItemsTitle()

Second solution (using Nullable or Emptyable DTOs)

We can bypass the POCO and create DTOs manually. Then we may define all properties of the DTO as nullable or something like that which could be recognized as Empty (I called it Emptyable). It allows us to use a DTO for several purposes. Ofcourse we need to follow the Adapter pattern. For example create two method for those Emptyable DTOs named "FromEntity" and "ToEntity" that converts our manually created DTOs to EntityObjects (of entity framework).

Now we can bypass the creation of a new DTO classes in the example of the "first solution" (GetAllItemsTitle).

The method signature will be like this:

public List<SampleDTO> GetAllItemsTitle()

But in the method body we just fill the "Id" and "Title" properties of the SampleDTO. As I said all properties of the SampleDTO can be empty so we just fill those we want and leave the others empty.


Generally, the first solution (using POCO besides the new manually created DTOs) is Strongy-Typed. It's simply possible to find out each method return data type by just looking at the method signature (there is no extra properties). But we are worry about managing manually created DTOs. They will grow up soon.

But the second solution is a more dynamic way and the only way to recognize what will be returned from the "GetAllItemsTitle" is looking at the method body or its documentation. So we are worry about "Runtime Errors". Developers may suppose that a property should not be empty while it is empty.

More over, the expressed example we faced to such issue when "Puting" data from UI to Services. For example for Update and Insert and other such action. Even about the "Search Criterias" we have the same choises.

Sorry for the long question. Please help us with your kindly advices.

задан Amir Karimi 5 May 2011 в 13:48