Неоднозначная перегрузка для 'operator <<' в 'std :: cout <<

У меня есть следующий файл main.cpp

#include "listtemplate.h"
//#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int UserChoice;
    cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;
    cin >> UserChoice;
    cout << UserChoice;

В его текущем виде все работает. Я ввожу целое число, и оно выводится на экран. Однако, когда я раскомментирую cout << "Hello, World!" << endl строка, я получаю следующую ошибку

main.cpp:10: error: ambiguous overload for ‘operator<<’ in ‘std::cout << "Hello, World!"’

Я также могу заставить ее работать, закомментировав #include "listtemplate.h", раскомментируя строку hello world и включив в основном (в настоящее время доступно через шаблон. Кто-нибудь может увидеть, что мне здесь не хватает?


#include "list.h"
using namespace std;

// Default constructor
template <class Type>
list<Type> :: list() : Head(NULL) {}

// Destructor
template <class Type>
list<Type> :: ~list()
    Node *Temp;
    while (Head != NULL)
        Temp = Head;
        Head = Head -> Next;
        delete Temp;

// Copy constructor
template <class Type>
list<Type> :: list (const Type& OriginalList)
    Node *Marker;
    Node *OriginalMarker;

    OriginalMarker = OriginalList.Gead;
    if (OriginalMarker == NULL) Head = NULL;
        Head = new Node (OriginalMarker -> Element, NULL);
        Marker = Head;
        OriginalMarker = OriginalMarker -> Next;

        while (OriginalMarker != NULL)
            Marker -> Next = new Node (OriginalMarker -> Next);
            OriginalMarker = OriginalMarker -> Next;
            Marker = Marker -> Next;

// Copy assignment operator
template <class Type>
list<Type>& list<Type> :: operator= (const list<Type>& Original)
    Node *Marker;
    Node *OriginalMarker;

    // Check that we are not assigning a variable to itself
    if (this != &Original)
        // First clear the current list, if any
        while (Head != NULL)
            Marker = Head;
            Head = Head -> Next;
            delete Marker;

        // Now build a new copy
        OriginalMarker = Original.Head;
        if (OriginalMarker == NULL) Head = NULL;
            Head = new Node (OriginalMarker -> Element, NULL);
            Marker = Head;
            OriginalMarker = OriginalMarker -> Next;

            while (OriginalMarker != NULL)
                Marker -> Next = new Node (OriginalMarker -> Element, NULL);
                OriginalMarker = OriginalMarker -> Next;
                Marker = Marker -> Next;
    return (*this);

// Test for emptiness
template <class Type>
bool list<Type> :: Empty() const
    return (Head == NULL) ? true : false;

// Insert new element at beginning
template <class Type>
bool list<Type> :: Insert (const Type& NewElement)
    Node *NewNode;
    NewNode = new Node;
    NewNode -> Element = NewElement;
    NewNode -> Next = Head;
    return true;

// Delete an element
template <class Type>
bool list<Type> :: Delete (const Type& DelElement)
    Node *Temp;
    Node *Previous;

    // If list is empty
    if (Empty()) return false;

    // If element to delete is the first one
    else if (Head -> Element == DelElement)
        Temp = Head;
        Head = Head -> Next;
        delete Temp;
        return true;

    // If the list has only one element which isn't the specified element
    else if (Head -> Next == NULL) return false;

    // Else, search the list element by element to find the specified element
        Previous = Head;
        Temp = Head -> Next;

        while ((Temp -> Element != DelElement) && (Temp -> NExt != NULL))
            Previous = Temp;
            Temp = Temp -> Next;

        if (Temp -> Element == DelElement)
            Previous -> Next = Temp -> Next;
            delete Temp;
            return true;
        else return false;

// Print the contents of the list
template <class Type>
void list<Type> :: Print (ostream& OutStream) const
    Node *Temp;
    Temp = Head;

    while (Temp != NULL)
        OutStream << Temp -> Element << " ";
        Temp = Temp -> Next;

// Overloaded output operator
template <class Type>
ostream& operator<< (ostream& OutStream, const list<Type>& OutList)
    OutList.Print (OutStream);
    return OutStream;


#ifndef LIST_H
#define LIST_H
#include <iostream>
#include <cstddef>
using namespace std;

template <class Type>
class list
    struct Node
        Type Element;
        Node *Next;

        Node() : Next(NULL) {} // Default constructor
        Node (Type Data, Node *PNode = NULL) : // Non-default constructor
            Element (Data),
            Next (PNode) {}

    Node *Head;
    list (const Type& OriginalList);
    bool Empty() const;
    bool Insert (const Type& NewElement);
    bool Delete (const Type& DelElement);
    void Print (ostream& OutStream) const;
    list& operator= (const list<Type>& Original);

template <class Type>
ostream& operator<< (ostream& OutStream, const Type& OutList);
задан templatetypedef 23 November 2012 в 19:50