Dispose StreamResourceInfo.Stream

I use StreamResourceInfo.Stream to get BitmapImages from resources. Is it correct to Close and Dispose the stream after using it? I ask because in memory profiler, I get an error if I do so. Memory profiler says that a disposed instance has not been GCed.

If I look on the web, I only can find this post to this topic. In this post, the responding person says, that it is meaninfull to dispose. However if I look at the circumstances and on the effect, I don't think that this is right. Does someone know what is the right action?
Дополнительная информация: В примерах msdn, которые я видел, они не Dispose или Close.

Благодаря ответу Рика Сладкейса я нашел решение: I assign StreamResourceInfo.Stream to the StreamSource-property of the BitmapImage. In msdn is written:

Set the CacheOption property to BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad if you wish to close the stream after the BitmapImage is created. The default OnDemand cache option retains access to the stream until the bitmap is needed, and cleanup is handled by the garbage collector.

This means, BitmapImage takes the ownership of the stream. And that's why memory profiler shows an error if I Close/Dispose the stream manually: Bitmap will hold a reference to the stream (BitmapCacheOption OnDemand) and therefore GC will not release it as long as the BitmapImage is valid, but the stream is already explicitely disposed. In this specific example, disposing is a bad idead.
For completness, I have also looked in msdn for the example of the above link where TextRange.Load was called. For Load, it is the opposite, Load does not take the ownership and therefore the stream must be closed/disposed after finishing.

задан HCL 27 May 2011 в 08:51