Generating Objective-c client side code for consuming Rest Services

I am working on building an iPhone application that uses an external server to store most of the data. The server exposes all the required services using a REST API.

Ideally I would like to generate the client side code in objective-c that can consume these services. Preferably these should return objects that I can easily use instead of having to parse the return XML.

What options am I looking at ? I have researched quiet a bit on this and the closest to code generation I have seen is wsdl2objc . Since I also own the backend services I could make them SOAP based services, but I really prefer not to do that since I will later on use the same set of services to build a Web UI ( for eg). Other option I have is to go with RestKit.

Any guidance on this is much appreciated. I am pretty sure this is a use case lots of people have faced and I just am not able to find the right resources or am not looking at the right places.

Cheers !!!

задан Vidyanand 7 April 2011 в 18:05

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