Seemingly inconsistent onstorage triggering in Safari

I've encountered the following issue in the Safari 5.0 (not in all WebKit-based browsers), this code:

    var onstorage = function(evt) {                                                                  
            alert([evt.key, evt.oldValue, evt.newValue].join('\n'));                                 

    var onclick = function(evt) {                                                                    
        localStorage.setItem('test', Math.random());                                                 

    var oninit = function() {                                                                        
      //actually, it works the same way with old "plain event" onclick                               
      document.querySelector('#test').addEventListener('click', onclick, false);                     
      window.addEventListener('storage', onstorage, false);                                          


<body onload="oninit()">                                                                             
    <input id="test" type="button" value="setting a random value"/>                                  

will trigger on alert, in case we click the button. While this code -

    var onstorage = function(evt) {                                                                  
            alert([evt.key, evt.oldValue, evt.newValue].join('\n'));                                 

    var onclick = function(evt) {                                                                    
        localStorage.setItem('test', Math.random());                                                 

    var oninit = function() {                                                                                           
      window.addEventListener('storage', onstorage, false); 
       //actually, it works the same way with old "plain event" onclick                               
      document.querySelector('#test').addEventListener('click', onclick, false);                                       


<body onload="oninit()">                                                                             
    <input id="test" type="button" value="setting a random value"/>                                  

triggers few alerts, as not expected. I do think this is a bug, but can't somebody explain me - why swapping just two lines of codes results in such a weird behaviour?

задан Trott 22 May 2011 в 23:15