How to use named parameters in Python methods that are defaulting to a class level value?

Usage scenario:

# case #1 - for classes
a = MyClass() # default logger is None
a = MyClass(logger="a") # set the default logger to be "a"
a.test(logger="b") # this means that logger will be "b" only inside this method
a.test(logger=None) # this means that logger will be None but only inside this method
a.test() # here logger should defaults to the value specified when object was initialized ("a")

How can I implement MyClass in order to be able to use it as above?

Let's assume that I have several methods inside MyClass that can accept the logger named parameter so I would appreciate a solution that does not require to add a lot of duplicate code at the beginning of each test...() method.

I read about the sentinel example, but this does not work for classes and I would not like to add a global variable to keep the sentinel object inside.

задан sorin 26 August 2010 в 09:13