UI.Layout jquery plugin

У меня возникли проблемы с настройкой плагина jquery UI.Layout. Все кажется простым, когда я читаю документацию, но потом ... все не работает.

Я использую текущую версию плагина 1.3.0, как мне кажется, и google cdn 1.5.1 jquery. И 1.8.10 для jquery ui, если это важно.

Во-первых, я получаю всплывающее окно при загрузке страницы:

Контейнер макета «DIV / # content» не имеет высоты. Therefore the layout is 0-height and hence 'invisible'!

That seems like a reasonable error message so I modified my css to give #content {height:100%;} and cleared the browser cache but no, problem is still there.

Second issue: although the resizer bar is actually present (I can see it in firebug, and interact with it as long as I know where it is at), it seems like there should be some matching css file with the library to style the resizer. The demos on the UI.Layout page however don't seem to have any css and they work fine! For example, all I want is something like this, http://layout.jquery-dev.net/demos/example.html, and when I do view source there's no style or no css included.

What am I missing?

задан Kevin 2 April 2011 в 01:20