Два способа разработки сложной системы: сверху вниз или снизу вверх

Мне нужно разработать сложную систему. I have two ways:

  1. Top-down: I will design many interfaces and contracts. Afterwords, I will implement these interfaces, and write a prototype to verify the design.

  2. Bottom-up: I will write code to make the system run. Afterwords, I will extract interfaces and contracts from solid code. The distilled interfaces and contracts is my design. It's rule "make it run, make it right".

What is better way? From my opinion, I will choose Bottom-up. Because Top-down is very difficult, no one can design many interfaces at high abstract level,at least it's hard for me. When I write solid implementation to verify the initial design, there are many unreasonable things which force me to re-design from scratch. While I use Bottom-up, I feel quite "safe", it can run at least.

задан 卢声远 Shengyuan Lu 11 February 2011 в 13:07