IDisposable implementation for the class which holds threads

Good morning! Let's assume we have the following class:

class MultithreadOperation : IDisposable
    private IList<Thread> operationThreads;

    public void StartOperation()
          // Initialize and start threads and put them to operationThreads

    public void StopOperation()
          // Aborts each thread.

    public void Dispose()

    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
         if (!disposed)
              disposed = true;
              if (disposing)
                    // Release managed resources.
              // Release unmanaged resources.


Actually, I need to stop all the threads if the instance is disposed. Also, I need to stop all the threads if the instance is garbage collected (otherwise, the threads will be still alive, which is bad for me). Definitely, it is totally legal to invoke StopOperation() method in place #1.

I want to know are there any pitfalls if we invoke StopOperation() in place #2 ? As I understand, the list of threads can be already garbage collected when the ~MultithreadOperation() is executing. Also, I've seen a lot of recommendations to avoid any code which refers to the managed resources in the Finalize implementation, especially the instance fields.

Also, It would be interesting to hear about different approaches for this problem. Thanks!

задан Niels van der Rest 28 September 2010 в 12:30