Autofac - resolving component with parameters dynamically

I have a class that takes an interface as a constructor argument. There are two implementations of this interface and I want to decide what implementation to use at runtime based on a variable.

The problem is that the class above is deep in an object heirarchy that is resolved by Autofac and so I can't pass in the argument.

Somehing like below is what I am trying to achieve.

public interface IInterface1 {}
public interface IInterface2 {}

public class Class1 : IInterface2
    public Class1(IInterface1 interface1)

public class Class2
    public Class2(IInterface2 interface2)

public class Class3
    public void GetClass2Instance(string interface1ImplementationToChoose)
        // want to change which implementation of IInterface1 is resolved based on the interface1ImplementationToChoose variable
        var class2 = container.Resolve<Class2>();

Any ideas?


To clarify, this is an existing object hierarchy that is used by existing applications that work fine. Also, the object model is much larger than the one shown in this example. As a result I don't really want to have to pass down a factory to each constructor in the object graph to be used by a class deep in that graph.

Is there a way of getting a different implementation of IInterface1 passed into Class1 without Class2 knowing anything about it?


задан DownChapel 14 August 2010 в 11:31