Is return atomic and should I use temporary in getter to be thread safe?

Is it necessary to use a temporary here to be thread-safe?

 int getVal() {
       int result = this->_val;
       return result;

I'll give you disassembly of simple RAII test function

int test()
    RAIITest raii; //let's say it's a scoped lock
    return 3;

     0x004013ce <_Z4testv>:    push  %ebp
     0x004013cf <_Z4testv+1>:  mov   %esp,%ebp
     0x004013d1 <_Z4testv+3>:  sub   $0x28,%esp
     return 3;
     0x004013d4 <_Z4testv+6>:  lea   -0x18(%ebp),%eax
     0x004013d7 <_Z4testv+9>:  mov   %eax,(%esp)
     0x004013da <_Z4testv+12>: call  0x4167a0 <_ZN8RAIITestD1Ev>  //here destructor is called
     0x004013df <_Z4testv+17>: mov   $0x3,%eax //here result is pushed onto the stack
 0x004013e4 <_Z4testv+22>: leave 
 0x004013e5 <_Z4testv+23>: ret   

the compiler is gcc/g++ 3.4.5

задан doc 3 September 2010 в 19:35