Correct Clean-Up of Parent and Children with Callbacks (C++)

This design problem pops up again and again and I still don't have a nice solution for it. It might turn out to be a design pattern ;) Only, it seems to be very C++ specific (lack of garbage collection). Anyhow, here's the problem:

We have a parent object that keeps references to child objects. The parent's state depends on (some aggregate of) its children's states. In order to be notified of state changes in its children, it passes them a reference to itself. (In another variation it passes them a callback that the children can invoke to notify the parent. This callback is a closure that keeps a reference to the parent.) The application is heavily multi-threaded. Now, this setup is a whole hornet's nest of potential race conditions and dead locks. To understand why, here's a naive implementation:

class Parent {
   Parent() {
     children_["apple"].reset(new Child("apple", this));
     children_["peach"].reset(new Child("peach", this));

   ~Parent() {

   void ChildDone(const string& child) {
     cout << "Child is DONE: " << child << endl;

   map<string, linked_ptr<Child> > children;

class Child {
   Child(const string& name, Parent* parent) 
       : name_(name), parent_(parent), done_(false) {}

   Foo(int guess) {
     if (guess == 42) done_ = true;

   const string name_;
   Parent* parent_;
   bool done_; 

Potential issues:

  • During destruction of the parent, it must be on the lookout for ongoing callbacks from its children. Especially if those callbacks are fired off in a separate thread. If it is not, it might be gone by the time the callback is invoked.
  • If there are locks in both the parent and the children (very likely in a multi-threaded non-trivial application), locking order becomes an issue: the parent invokes a method on the child, which in turn experiences a state transition and tries to notify the parent: dead-lock.
  • Adding/Removing children outside the constructor can be an issue if the child tries to notify the parent from its destructor. The parent must be holding a lock in order to modify the map of children, yet the child is attempting a callback on the parent.
  • I only scratched the surface, but one can think of other potential issues.

    What I'm looking for is some advice on how to handle clean destruction of the parent in the face of threads, locks, and dynamic addition/removal of children. If anybody has come up with an elegant solution that is robust under multi-threaded deployment, please share. The keyword here is robust: it's easy to design a structure that comes with some huge caveats (child never calls parent, parent never calls child, no separate thread for callbacks, etc.), the challenge is to put as few restrictions on the programmer as possible.

    задан Lajos Nagy 23 March 2011 в 03:11