How to configure Doxygen to document Objective-C categories properly

Doxygen appears to have idiosyncratic handling of Objective-C categories and I would like to know if others have been able to work around it successfully. I would like doxygen to document all categories on a class as separate entities, irrespective of whether the base class is documented or not.

If I add doxygen markup to a category on an undocumented base class - say NSString, then doxygen lists the category and its methods in the class list as a separate entity.

 *   @category NSString(Foo)
 *   @brief A sample category on NSString
 @interface NSString(Foo)

Results in a documented entity NSString(Foo) in the class list.

But, the following example does not:

 *    @category CCFMyCustomClass(Foo)
 *    @brief A category on a documented base class
@interface CCFMyCustomClass(Foo)

Instead, in the latter case, all of the methods on CCFMyCustomClass(Foo) are included in the documentation for CCFMyCustomClass - the base class.

The following, though often cited, don't seem to help with this problem:

задан Community 23 May 2017 в 12:26