apache mod_rewrite не работает или не включен

Я установил rewrite_module и изменил php .ini на Apache.

Я создаю файлы rewrite.php и .htaccess , но они не работают.

Папки моей файловой системы, например:


/var/www/html/.htaccess, содержимое:

$ cat /var/www/html/test/.htaccess 

RewriteEngine On 
RewriteRule ^link([^/]*).html$ rewrite.php?link=$1 [L]


$ cat /var/www/html/test/rewrite.php 

<h2 align=center> 
// mod_rewrite Test Page 
// Copyright 2006 Webune.com 
if($_GET['link']==1){echo"You are not using mod_rewrite";} 
elseif($_GET['link']==2){echo"Congratulations!! You are using Apache mod_rewrite";} 
else{echo"Linux Apache mod_rewrte Test Tutorial";} 
<title>How To Test mod_rewrite in Apache Linux Server</title> 
<p align="center">by <a href="http://www.webune.com">Webune</a></p> 
<p><a href="rewrite.php?link=1">LINK1</a> = rewrite.php?link=1</p>
<p><a href="link2.html">LINK2</a> = link2.html</p> 
<p>How this works: both links are for this same page, except they both are different. link one is without the mod_rewrite and link2 is using mod_rewrite. Link1 show the php file, with with mod_rewrite we are mascarading the php file into a html file. you can use whatever type of extension you want, you can change it to .htm or .shtml etc... all you have to do is to make sure you also chang it in the .htaccess file</p> 
<p>&lt;&lt; <a href="http://www.webune.com/forums/viewtopic-p-62.html">Go back to webune forums.</a></p> 

mod_rewrite.so установлен.

$ ls -l mod_rewrite.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 59256 Sep 20 23:34 mod_rewrite.so

rewrite_module загружен.

$ cat /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf | grep mod_rewrite.so
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so

Параметр AllowOverride

$ cat /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
<Directory "/var/www/html">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

    AllowOverride None

    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
задан MrWhite 19 February 2016 в 22:35