Одиночный шаблон C # и MEF

У меня вопрос по поводу Singleton Pattern и MEF. Я новичок в реализации подключаемых модулей MEF и не нашел ответа.

Можно ли предоставить только один экземпляр класса через подключаемый модуль, реализованный в MEF?

Мой старый класс выглядит примерно так:

  #region Singleton
  /// This class provide a generic and thread-safe interface for Singleton classes.
  /// The specialized singleton which is derived
  /// from SingletonBase<T>
  public abstract class Base where T : Base
    /* the lock object */
    private static object _lock = new object();

    /* the static instance */
    private static T _instance = null;
    /// Get the unique instance of .
    /// This property is thread-safe!
    public static T Instance
        if (_instance == null)
          lock (_lock)
            if (_instance == null)
              /* Create a object without to use new (where you need a public ctor) */
              object obj = FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(typeof(T));
              if (obj != null)  // just 4 safety, but i think obj == null shouldn't be possible
                /* an extra test of the correct type is redundant,
                 * because we have an uninitialised object of type == typeof(T) */
                _instance = obj as T;
                _instance.Init(); // now the singleton will be initialized
          _instance.Refresh();  // has only effect if overridden in sub class
        return _instance;

    /// Called while instantiation of singleton sub-class.
    /// This could be used to set some default stuff in the singleton.
    protected virtual void Init()
    { }

    /// If overridden this will called on every request of the Instance but
    /// the instance was already created. Refresh will not called during
    /// the first instantiation, for this will call Init.
    protected virtual void Refresh()
    { }

  #region class
  public class xy : Base
    private bool run;

    public xy()
      this.run = false;

    public bool isRunning()
      return this.run;

    public void start()
      // Do some stuff
      this.run = true;

Может ли кто-нибудь предоставить мне пример?

задан Gilles 25 January 2012 в 22:41