Передать параметры в node.js domain.on ('error' & hellip;)

Вы можете использовать Unattended Make My Manifest , чтобы генерировать манифесты непосредственно в автоматических сборках. Он использует файл сценария для добавления зависимых компонентов COM. Это выдержка из образца ini с доступными командами:

# Unattended MMM script
# Command names are case-insensitive. Reference of supported commands:
# Command: Identity
#   Appends assemblyIdentity and description tags.
#   Parameters        [name] [description]
#      exe_file      file name can be quoted if containing spaces. The containing folder 
#                    of the executable sets base path for relative file names
#      name          (optional) assembly name. Defaults to MyAssembly
#      description   (optional) description of assembly
# Command: Dependency
#   Appends dependency tag for referencing dependent assemblies like Common Controls 6.0, 
#     VC run-time or MFC
#   Parameters       {|} [version] [/update]
#     lib_name       one of { comctl, vc90crt, vc90mfc }
#     assembly_file  file name of .NET DLL exporting COM classes
#     version        (optional) required assembly version. Multiple version of vc90crt can
#                    be required by a single manifest
#     /update        (optional) updates assembly_file assembly manifest. Spawns mt.exe
# Command: File
#   Appends file tag and collects information about coclasses and interfaces exposed by 
#     the referenced COM component typelib.
#   Parameters        [interfaces]
#     file_name      file containing typelib. Can be relative to base path
#     interfaces     (optional) pipe (|) separated interfaces with or w/o leading 
#                    underscore
# Command: Interface
#   Appends comInterfaceExternalProxyStub tag for inter-thread marshaling of interfaces
#   Parameters        
#     file_name      file containing typelib. Can be relative to base path
#     interfaces     pipe (|) separated interfaces with or w/o leading underscore
# Command: TrustInfo
#   Appends trustInfo tag for UAC user-rights elevation on Vista and above
#   Parameters       [level] [uiaccess]
#     level          (optional) one of { 1, 2, 3 } corresponding to { asInvoker, 
#                    highestAvailable, requireAdministrator }. Default is 1
#     uiaccess       (optional) true/false or 0/1. Allows application to gain access to 
#                    the protected system UI. Default is 0
# Command: DpiAware
#   Appends dpiAware tag for custom DPI aware applications
#   Parameters       [on_off]
#     on_off         (optional) true/false or 0/1. Default is 0
# Command: SupportedOS
#   Appends supportedOS tag
#   Parameters       
#     os_type        one of { vista, win7 }. Multiple OSes can be supported by a single 
#                    manifest

задан user1665355 8 March 2019 в 09:11