htaccess обязательный символ - в строке

Многие сообщения предполагают, что для вложенных фигурных скобок REGEX НЕ МОЖЕТ ДЕЛАТЬ ЭТО. SIMPLY COUNT THE BRACES: Например, см. Регулярное выражение для обнаружения завершаемого терминалом C ++ for & amp; while loops

Вот полный образец python для итерации строки и подсчета:

# decided for nested braces to not use regex but brace-counting
import re, string

texta = r'''
nonexistent.\note{Richard Dawkins, \textit{Unweaving the Rainbow: Science, Delusion
and the Appetite for Wonder} (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1998), pp. 302, 304,
306-309.} more text and more.

 This is a statistical fact, not a
guess.\note{Zheng Wu, \textit{Cohabitation: An Alternative Form
of Family Living} (Ontario, Canada: Oxford University Press,
2000), p. 149; \hbox{Judith} Treas and Deirdre Giesen, ``Title
and another title,''
\textit{Journal of Marriage and the Family}, February 2000,

more and more text.capitalize
pos = 0
foundpos = 0
openBr = 0 # count open braces
while foundpos <> -1:
    openBr = 0
    foundpos = string.find(texta, r'\note',pos)
    # print 'foundpos',foundpos
    pos = foundpos + 5
    # print texta[pos]
    result = ""
    while foundpos > -1 and openBr >= 0:
        pos = pos + 1
        if texta[pos] == "{":
            openBr = openBr + 1
        if texta[pos] == "}":
            openBr = openBr - 1
        result = result + texta[pos]
    result = result[:-1] # drop the last } found.
    result = string.replace(result,'\n', ' ') # replace new line with space
    print result

задан 13atomas 28 February 2019 в 22:07