перечисление всех значений данного атрибута или всех атрибутов данного тега в редакторе vim для html5 и css3 в дереве nerd

С помощью дублированного вопроса , эта аналогия может работать:

# - Darling, I want some pudding!
# - There is some in the fridge.

pudding_to_eat = fridge_pudding
pudding_to_eat is fridge_pudding
# => True

# - Honey, what's with all the dirty dishes?
# - I wanted to eat pudding so I made some. Sorry about the mess, Darling.
# - But there was already some in the fridge.

pudding_to_eat = make_pudding(ingredients)
pudding_to_eat is fridge_pudding
# => False

задан Sss 13 July 2018 в 15:08