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задан vesuvius 21 February 2019 в 15:32

2 ответа

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(data={"col1": [1,1,100,1,1,100], 'col2': [1,1,100,1,1,100]})

# get list of columns (will be used later)
cols = df.columns

# create list of next division by 2 (will be used later)
original = 100
ll = []
for x in range(1, 20):
    original /= 2

ll = list(zip([x for x in range(1, 20)], ll))

# create dictionary of indexes and divisions
dd = {x:y for x,y in ll}

for c in df.columns:
    df[f'{c}_next'] = df[c].shift(-1)

# main function get 1&100 pairs and replacing values
def compare_vals(row, cols):
    counter = 1
    for c in cols:
        if row[f'{c}_next'] == 100 and row[c] == 1:
            counter += 1

    for c in cols:
        if row[f'{c}_next'] == 100 and row[c] == 1:
            row[f'{c}_next'] = dd[counter]
    return row

df_new = df.apply(lambda row: compare_vals(row, cols), axis=1)

df_new = df_new[[x for x in df_new.columns if x not in cols]]
cols_new = {x: x.replace('_next', '') for x in df_new.columns}
df_new = df_new.rename(columns=cols_new)
df_new = df_new.shift(1)
df_new.iloc[0, :] = df.iloc[0,:]


   col1  col2
0   1.0   1.0
1   1.0   1.0
2  25.0  25.0
3   1.0   1.0
4   1.0   1.0
5  25.0  25.0
ответ дан naivepredictor 21 February 2019 в 15:32

Я думаю, сделать это для каждого столбца в отдельности. Нужно формировать группы для каждого столбца каждый раз, когда вы встречаете 100.

import pandas as pd

for col in df.columns[1:]:
    df[col] = (df[col].groupby(df[col].eq(100).shift(1).fillna(0).cumsum())
                      .apply(lambda x: x.mask(x == 100, 100/(2**x.eq(1).sum()))))


       rule_id  51594  51668  51147  51182  51447
0  comparison1    1.0    1.0    NaN    NaN    NaN
1    last_comp   50.0   50.0    NaN    NaN    NaN
2  comparison1    NaN    NaN    1.0    NaN    1.0
3  comparison2  100.0    NaN    1.0    NaN    1.0
4  comparison3    NaN    NaN    1.0  100.0   25.0
5  comparison4    NaN    NaN   12.5    NaN    NaN
ответ дан ALollz 21 February 2019 в 15:32
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