node.js / не найден

Закрытие - это полезный способ создания генераторов , последовательность с поправкой по требованию:

    var foobar = function(i){var count = count || i; return function(){return ++count;}}

    baz = foobar(1);
    console.log("first call: " + baz()); //2
    console.log("second call: " + baz()); //3

Различия суммируются следующим образом:

Anonymous functions                                    Defined functions

Cannot be used as a method                             Can be used as a method of an object

Exists only in the scope in which it is defined        Exists within the object it is defined in

Can only be called in the scope in which it is defined Can be called at any point in the code

Can be reassigned a new value or deleted               Cannot be deleted or changed


задан hausinho 17 October 2013 в 12:34