Как мне установить Xcode 9 без обновления macOS?

Я проиллюстрировал различные возможные правильные сценарии и ошибки, которые могут возникать в Java-коде.

    class Outter1 {

        String OutStr;

        Outter1(String str) {
            OutStr = str;

        public void NonStaticMethod(String st)  {

            String temp1 = "ashish";
            final String  tempFinal1 = "ashish"; 

            //  below static attribute not permitted
            // static String tempStatic1 = "static";    

            //  below static with final attribute not permitted         
            // static final String  tempStatic1 = "ashish";  

            // synchronized keyword is not permitted below          
            class localInnerNonStatic1 {            

                synchronized    public void innerMethod(String str11) {
                    str11 = temp1 +" sharma";
                    System.out.println("innerMethod ===> "+str11);

        //  static method with final not permitted
          public static void innerStaticMethod(String str11) { 

                    str11 = temp1 +" india";
                    System.out.println("innerMethod ===> "+str11);

            // static class not permitted below
            //  static class localInnerStatic1 {   }                            


        public static  void StaticMethod(String st)     {

            String temp1 = "ashish";
            final String  tempFinal1 = "ashish"; 

            // static attribute not permitted below
            //static String tempStatic1 = "static";     

            //  static with final attribute not permitted below
            // static final String  tempStatic1 = "ashish";                         

            class localInnerNonStatic1 {
                public void innerMethod(String str11) {
                    str11 = temp1 +" sharma";
                    System.out.println("innerMethod ===> "+str11);

    // static method with final not permitted
    public static void innerStaticMethod(String str11) {  
                    str11 = temp1 +" india";
                    System.out.println("innerMethod ===> "+str11);

            // static class not permitted below
            //  static class localInnerStatic1 {   }    


        // synchronized keyword is not permitted
        static  class inner1 {          

            static String  temp1 = "ashish";
            String  tempNonStatic = "ashish";
            // class localInner1 {

            public void innerMethod(String str11) {
                str11 = temp1 +" sharma";
                str11 = str11+ tempNonStatic +" sharma";
                System.out.println("innerMethod ===> "+str11);

            public static void innerStaticMethod(String str11) {
                //  error in below step
                str11 = temp1 +" india";    
                //str11 = str11+ tempNonStatic +" sharma";
                System.out.println("innerMethod ===> "+str11);

        //synchronized keyword is not permitted below
        class innerNonStatic1 {             

//This is important we have to keep final with static modifier in non
// static innerclass below
            static final String  temp1 = "ashish";  
            String  tempNonStatic = "ashish";
            // class localInner1 {

            synchronized    public void innerMethod(String str11) {
                tempNonStatic = tempNonStatic +" ...";
                str11 = temp1 +" sharma";
                str11 = str11+ tempNonStatic +" sharma";
                System.out.println("innerMethod ===> "+str11);

            //  error in below step
            public static void innerStaticMethod(String str11) {   
                            //  error in below step
                            // str11 = tempNonStatic +" india";                     
                            str11 = temp1 +" india";
                            System.out.println("innerMethod ===> "+str11);
задан rmaddy 12 July 2018 в 17:19