Javascript: преобразовать 24-часовую строку времени в день в 12-часовое время с AM / PM и без часового пояса

этот код на C ++ обнаруживает такие продукты Vmware, как express, esx, fusion или workstation

// VMWareDetector.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include <conio.h>
void CheckVM(void); 
int main()
    return 0;

void CheckVM(void)
    unsigned int    a, b;

    __try {
        __asm {

            // save register values on the stack
            push eax
            push ebx
            push ecx
            push edx

            // perform fingerprint
            mov eax, 'VMXh' // VMware magic value (0x564D5868)
            mov ecx, 0Ah // special version cmd (0x0a)
            mov dx, 'VX' // special VMware I/O port (0x5658)

            in eax, dx // special I/O cmd

            mov a, ebx // data 
            mov b, ecx // data (eax gets also modified
                       // but will not be evaluated)

                       // restore register values from the stack
                       pop edx
                       pop ecx
                       pop ebx
                       pop eax
    printf("\n[+] Debug : [ a=%x ; b=%d ]\n\n", a, b);
    if (a == 'VMXh') { // is the value equal to the VMware magic value?
        printf("Result  : VMware detected\nVersion : ");
        if (b == 1)
        else if (b == 2)
        else if (b == 3)
        else if (b == 4)
            printf("unknown version\n\n");
        printf("Result  : Not Detected\n\n");
задан dda 16 December 2012 в 04:25

1 ответ

Короткий код ES6

const convertFrom24To12Format = (time24) => {
  const [sHours, minutes] = time24.match(/([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{2})/).slice(1);
  const period = +sHours < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM';
  const hours = +sHours % 12 || 12;

  return `${hours}:${minutes} ${period}`;
const convertFrom12To24Format = (time12) => {
  const [sHours, minutes, period] = time12.match(/([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{2}) (AM|PM)/).slice(1);
  const PM = period === 'PM';
  const hours = (+sHours % 12) + (PM ? 12 : 0);

  return `${('0' + hours).slice(-2)}:${minutes}`;
ответ дан 28 November 2019 в 06:03
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