Каков самый эффективный протокол для надежной многоадресной передачи?

Начните с EditTexts для LoginId и пароля. Пароль может быть сохранен в SharedPreferences. Ниже приведен текстовый вид с вопросом «Первый пользователь?» с OnClick, перенаправляющим на новый фрагмент или действие для регистрации.

См. Эту статью, если вы хотите, чтобы пользователь не вводил учетные данные для входа при каждом запуске приложения.


задан dbush 12 July 2016 в 16:52

6 ответов


Нет, серьезно. Возможно, вы захотите прочитать его .

UDP полезен для многоадресной рассылки, но он не дает требуемых гарантий - BitTorrent потребует от вас передачи более одной полной копии из Первоначальный источник, но он все еще довольно эффективен и предоставляет полезные гарантии, особенно учитывая, сколько контрольной суммы выполняется для каждой передаваемой части данных.

ответ дан 30 November 2019 в 17:53

Real-world example: TIBCO Rendezvous.

Data is sent out via multicast with a sequence number. A client that detects a missing sequence number sends out a messge on the multicast group "hey, I missed packet 12345". The server re-multicasts out that data. The server has a configurable amount of data to buffer in case a client requests it.

The problem:

Imagine having a single client that drops half of his packets, and 100 healthy clients. This client sends a retransmission request for every other packet. The server begins to cause enough load on one of the healthy clients such that it starts dropping packets and requesting retransmissions. The extra load from that causes another healthy client to begin requesting retransmissions. And so on. A congestion collapse results.

Tibco provides a workaround, of cutting off a subscriber that sends too many retransmission requests. This makes it harder for a single subscriber to cause a congestion collapse.

The other workaround to limit the risk of congestion collapse is to limit the amount of data that a server is willing to retransmit.

Tibco should also provide heuristics in the client and server as to whether to multicast or unicast the retransmission request, and the retransmission itself. They don't. (For the server, you could unicast the retransmission if only one client requested it in a certain time window, for the client you could unicast the retransmission request if the server has told you - in the retransmitted packet - that you are the only one requesting retransmissions and to please unicast the requests in the future)

Fundamentally you will have to decide between how strongly you want to guarantee that clients receive data vs the risk of congestion collapse. You will have to make guesses as to where a packet was dropped and whether the retransmission is most efficiently sent unicast or multicast. If the server understands the data and can decide to not send a retransmission if there is updated data to be sent anyway (that makes the retransmission irrelevant), you are in a much better position than a framework such as Tibco RV.

Sometimes understanding the data can lead to wrong assumptions. For example, market data - it may seem at first OK to not retransmit a quote when there is an updated quote. But later, you may find that a subscriber was keeping a quote history, not just trying to keep track of the current quote. Perhaps you may have different requirements depending on the subscriber, and some clients will prefer unicast TCP vs multicast.

At some point you will need to make arbitrary decisions on the server of how much data to buffer in case of retransmissions or slow clients.

ответ дан 30 November 2019 в 17:53

Это открытый исследовательский вопрос; есть коммерческие решения, но они непомерно дороги. Удачи.

ответ дан 30 November 2019 в 17:53

$("#element").live('click', function(e) {
  if( (!$.browser.msie && e.button == 0) || ($.browser.msie && e.button == 1) ) {
       alert("Left Button");
    else if(e.button == 2){
       alert("Right Button");

Обновление текущего состояния вещей:

 var $ log = $ ("div.log"); $ ("div.target"). on ("mousedown", function () {$ log.text ("What:" + event.which); if (event.which === 1) {$ (this). removeClass ("справа посередине"). addClass ("left");} else if (event.which === 2) {$ (this) .removeClass ("left right"). addClass ("middle");} else if (event.which === 3) {$ (this) .removeClass ("слева в середине"). addClass ("справа");}}); 
 div.target {граница: сплошной синий цвет 1px; высота: 100 пикселей; ширина: 100 пикселей; } div.target.left {цвет фона: # 0faf3d; } div.target.right {цвет фона: # f093df; } div.target.middle {цвет фона: # 00afd3; } div.log {выравнивание текста: слева; цвет: # f00; }