Как синхронизировать пакеты Emacs и настройки?

Привет, ребята! Я нашел способ добавить изображения в ionic v2

Создайте папку с изображениями в каталоге «www» (www / images /) и добавьте все изображения по этому пути.

Затем укажите путь к изображению, например, для страниц src = "images / logo.png"

в CSS .ThemeColor {background: url (/images/bg.png)};

Вот и все, работает для меня ..


задан Luke Girvin 4 September 2011 в 01:40

3 ответа

Я использую git для хранения моих конфигураций и разделения частей, зависящих от платформы / машины, в отдельные файлы и загрузки их в зависимости от имени машины. Вы можете увидеть мои конфиги здесь

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 10:34

I'd use a git/cvs/subversion/etc. repository, and simply use the version control system to allow you to update the files/directories for both places.

There's an answer to a question as to using bazaar in just this way. That answer does a great job of explaining the directory structure to use such that it's clear where all the packages and initialization files go.

As far as how/where to store the repository, I don't know the best answer for that. If you're often connecting to work (through a VPN or somesuch), then I'd recommend hosting the repository at work. If not, then you could use sourceforge.net or some other similar site - but you'd then be exposing everything to the world... Perhaps this part of the question is best asked on serverfault.com.

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 10:34

Alternatively you could install Dropbox and put your emacs configuration in the Dropbox directory. It would be the same idea as for SyncFirefoxBookmarks. Your .emacs would just refer to the files in the dropbox directory.

On Linux you could have it even a little easier, you would just copy your ~/.emacs.d to the dropbox directory and create a link instead. Than you could skip .emacs and just use ~/.emacs.d/init.el (see Emacs Manual - Init File).

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 10:34
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