Нарисуйте текст на пути безье [дубликат]

Вы можете сделать это, не прибегая к sed с помощью переменной переменной Bash , хотя, как указывает @ruah, это не будет работать в однострочной версии (без точки с запятой, разделяющей команды) , Я оставляю этот первый подход, потому что я думаю, что интересно, что он не работает в одной строке:

TTY=$(tty); who | grep "${TTY#/dev/}"

Это сначала помещает вывод tty в переменную, а затем стирает /dev/ при использовании grep. Но без точки с запятой TTY это не в среде к моменту bash делает переменное расширение / mangling для grep.

Вот версия, которая работает, потому что она порождает подоболочку с уже измененной средой (с TTY):

TTY=$(tty) WHOLINE=$(who | grep "${TTY#/dev/}")

Результат оставлен в $WHOLINE.

задан pedrouan 30 August 2016 в 12:00

4 ответа

Я собирался сказать «Что ты пробовал?», но в пятницу днем ​​я рано ушел с работы, поэтому воспользовался возможностью перевести свой старый код ObjC. Здесь он подходит для игровой площадки. Это должно быть тривиально, чтобы поместить его в ваш UIView.

Swift 2 См. Ниже для Swift 3 & amp; Обновления Swift 4 ...

import UIKit

func centreArcPerpendicularText(str: String, context: CGContextRef, radius r: CGFloat, angle theta: CGFloat, colour c: UIColor, font: UIFont, clockwise: Bool){
    // *******************************************************
    // This draws the String str around an arc of radius r,
    // with the text centred at polar angle theta
    // *******************************************************

    let l = str.characters.count
    let attributes = [NSFontAttributeName: font]

    var characters: [String] = [] // This will be an array of single character strings, each character in str
    var arcs: [CGFloat] = [] // This will be the arcs subtended by each character
    var totalArc: CGFloat = 0 // ... and the total arc subtended by the string

    // Calculate the arc subtended by each letter and their total
    for i in 0 ..< l {
        characters += [String(str[str.startIndex.advancedBy(i)])]
        arcs += [chordToArc(characters[i].sizeWithAttributes(attributes).width, radius: r)]
        totalArc += arcs[i]

    // Are we writing clockwise (right way up at 12 o'clock, upside down at 6 o'clock)
    // or anti-clockwise (right way up at 6 o'clock)?
    let direction: CGFloat = clockwise ? -1 : 1
    let slantCorrection = clockwise ? -CGFloat(M_PI_2) : CGFloat(M_PI_2)

    // The centre of the first character will then be at
    // thetaI = theta - totalArc / 2 + arcs[0] / 2
    // But we add the last term inside the loop
    var thetaI = theta - direction * totalArc / 2

    for i in 0 ..< l {
        thetaI += direction * arcs[i] / 2
        // Call centerText with each character in turn.
        // Remember to add +/-90º to the slantAngle otherwise
        // the characters will "stack" round the arc rather than "text flow"
        centreText(characters[i], context: context, radius: r, angle: thetaI, colour: c, font: font, slantAngle: thetaI + slantCorrection)
        // The centre of the next character will then be at
        // thetaI = thetaI + arcs[i] / 2 + arcs[i + 1] / 2
        // but again we leave the last term to the start of the next loop...
        thetaI += direction * arcs[i] / 2

func chordToArc(chord: CGFloat, radius: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
    // *******************************************************
    // Simple geometry
    // *******************************************************
    return 2 * asin(chord / (2 * radius))

func centreText(str: String, context: CGContextRef, radius r:CGFloat, angle theta: CGFloat, colour c: UIColor, font: UIFont, slantAngle: CGFloat) {
    // *******************************************************
    // This draws the String str centred at the position
    // specified by the polar coordinates (r, theta)
    // i.e. the x= r * cos(theta) y= r * sin(theta)
    // and rotated by the angle slantAngle
    // *******************************************************

    // Set the text attributes
    let attributes = [NSForegroundColorAttributeName: c,
        NSFontAttributeName: font]
    // Save the context
    // Undo the inversion of the Y-axis (or the text goes backwards!)
    CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1, -1)
    // Move the origin to the centre of the text (negating the y-axis manually)
    CGContextTranslateCTM(context, r * cos(theta), -(r * sin(theta)))
    // Rotate the coordinate system
    CGContextRotateCTM(context, -slantAngle)
    // Calculate the width of the text
    let offset = str.sizeWithAttributes(attributes)
    // Move the origin by half the size of the text
    CGContextTranslateCTM (context, -offset.width / 2, -offset.height / 2) // Move the origin to the centre of the text (negating the y-axis manually)
    // Draw the text
    str.drawAtPoint(CGPointZero, withAttributes: attributes)
    // Restore the context

// *******************************************************
// Playground code to test
// *******************************************************
let size = CGSize(width: 256, height: 256)

UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, true, 0.0)
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()!
// *******************************************************************
// Scale & translate the context to have 0,0
// at the centre of the screen maths convention
// Obviously change your origin to suit...
// *******************************************************************
CGContextTranslateCTM (context, size.width / 2, size.height / 2)
CGContextScaleCTM (context, 1, -1)

centreArcPerpendicularText("Hello round world", context: context, radius: 100, angle: 0, colour: UIColor.redColor(), font: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(16), clockwise: true)
centreArcPerpendicularText("Anticlockwise", context: context, radius: 100, angle: CGFloat(-M_PI_2), colour: UIColor.redColor(), font: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(16), clockwise: false)
centreText("Hello flat world", context: context, radius: 0, angle: 0 , colour: UIColor.yellowColor(), font: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(16), slantAngle: CGFloat(M_PI_4))

let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()


Обновление Добавлено по часовой стрелке / против часовой стрелки & amp; Прямой пример.

Обновить Swift 3

func centreArcPerpendicular(text str: String, context: CGContext, radius r: CGFloat, angle theta: CGFloat, colour c: UIColor, font: UIFont, clockwise: Bool){
    // *******************************************************
    // This draws the String str around an arc of radius r,
    // with the text centred at polar angle theta
    // *******************************************************

    let l = str.characters.count
    let attributes = [NSFontAttributeName: font]

    let characters: [String] = str.characters.map { String($0) } // An array of single character strings, each character in str
    var arcs: [CGFloat] = [] // This will be the arcs subtended by each character
    var totalArc: CGFloat = 0 // ... and the total arc subtended by the string

    // Calculate the arc subtended by each letter and their total
    for i in 0 ..< l {
        arcs += [chordToArc(characters[i].size(attributes: attributes).width, radius: r)]
        totalArc += arcs[i]

    // Are we writing clockwise (right way up at 12 o'clock, upside down at 6 o'clock)
    // or anti-clockwise (right way up at 6 o'clock)?
    let direction: CGFloat = clockwise ? -1 : 1
    let slantCorrection = clockwise ? -CGFloat(M_PI_2) : CGFloat(M_PI_2)

    // The centre of the first character will then be at
    // thetaI = theta - totalArc / 2 + arcs[0] / 2
    // But we add the last term inside the loop
    var thetaI = theta - direction * totalArc / 2

    for i in 0 ..< l {
        thetaI += direction * arcs[i] / 2
        // Call centerText with each character in turn.
        // Remember to add +/-90º to the slantAngle otherwise
        // the characters will "stack" round the arc rather than "text flow"
        centre(text: characters[i], context: context, radius: r, angle: thetaI, colour: c, font: font, slantAngle: thetaI + slantCorrection)
        // The centre of the next character will then be at
        // thetaI = thetaI + arcs[i] / 2 + arcs[i + 1] / 2
        // but again we leave the last term to the start of the next loop...
        thetaI += direction * arcs[i] / 2

func chordToArc(_ chord: CGFloat, radius: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
    // *******************************************************
    // Simple geometry
    // *******************************************************
    return 2 * asin(chord / (2 * radius))

func centre(text str: String, context: CGContext, radius r:CGFloat, angle theta: CGFloat, colour c: UIColor, font: UIFont, slantAngle: CGFloat) {
    // *******************************************************
    // This draws the String str centred at the position
    // specified by the polar coordinates (r, theta)
    // i.e. the x= r * cos(theta) y= r * sin(theta)
    // and rotated by the angle slantAngle
    // *******************************************************

    // Set the text attributes
    let attributes = [NSForegroundColorAttributeName: c,
                      NSFontAttributeName: font]
    // Save the context
    // Undo the inversion of the Y-axis (or the text goes backwards!)
    context.scaleBy(x: 1, y: -1)
    // Move the origin to the centre of the text (negating the y-axis manually)
    context.translateBy(x: r * cos(theta), y: -(r * sin(theta)))
    // Rotate the coordinate system
    context.rotate(by: -slantAngle)
    // Calculate the width of the text
    let offset = str.size(attributes: attributes)
    // Move the origin by half the size of the text
    context.translateBy (x: -offset.width / 2, y: -offset.height / 2) // Move the origin to the centre of the text (negating the y-axis manually)
    // Draw the text
    str.draw(at: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0), withAttributes: attributes)
    // Restore the context

// *******************************************************
// Playground code to test
// *******************************************************
let size = CGSize(width: 256, height: 256)

UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, true, 0.0)
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()!
// *******************************************************************
// Scale & translate the context to have 0,0
// at the centre of the screen maths convention
// Obviously change your origin to suit...
// *******************************************************************
context.translateBy (x: size.width / 2, y: size.height / 2)
context.scaleBy (x: 1, y: -1)

centreArcPerpendicular(text: "Hello round world", context: context, radius: 100, angle: 0, colour: UIColor.red, font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16), clockwise: true)
centreArcPerpendicular(text: "Anticlockwise", context: context, radius: 100, angle: CGFloat(-M_PI_2), colour: UIColor.red, font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16), clockwise: false)
centre(text: "Hello flat world", context: context, radius: 0, angle: 0 , colour: UIColor.yellow, font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16), slantAngle: CGFloat(M_PI_4))

let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()

Swift 4 Еще раз небольшие изменения, на этот раз фиксирующие устаревание из M_PI, String отказа от .characters, изменение метки параметра в .size(withAttributes... и изменение текстовых атрибутов в NSAttributedStringKey перечисление ...

import UIKit

func centreArcPerpendicular(text str: String, context: CGContext, radius r: CGFloat, angle theta: CGFloat, colour c: UIColor, font: UIFont, clockwise: Bool){
    // *******************************************************
    // This draws the String str around an arc of radius r,
    // with the text centred at polar angle theta
    // *******************************************************

    let characters: [String] = str.map { String($0) } // An array of single character strings, each character in str
    let l = characters.count
    let attributes = [NSAttributedStringKey.font: font]

    var arcs: [CGFloat] = [] // This will be the arcs subtended by each character
    var totalArc: CGFloat = 0 // ... and the total arc subtended by the string

    // Calculate the arc subtended by each letter and their total
    for i in 0 ..< l {
        arcs += [chordToArc(characters[i].size(withAttributes: attributes).width, radius: r)]
        totalArc += arcs[i]

    // Are we writing clockwise (right way up at 12 o'clock, upside down at 6 o'clock)
    // or anti-clockwise (right way up at 6 o'clock)?
    let direction: CGFloat = clockwise ? -1 : 1
    let slantCorrection: CGFloat = clockwise ? -.pi / 2 : .pi / 2

    // The centre of the first character will then be at
    // thetaI = theta - totalArc / 2 + arcs[0] / 2
    // But we add the last term inside the loop
    var thetaI = theta - direction * totalArc / 2

    for i in 0 ..< l {
        thetaI += direction * arcs[i] / 2
        // Call centerText with each character in turn.
        // Remember to add +/-90º to the slantAngle otherwise
        // the characters will "stack" round the arc rather than "text flow"
        centre(text: characters[i], context: context, radius: r, angle: thetaI, colour: c, font: font, slantAngle: thetaI + slantCorrection)
        // The centre of the next character will then be at
        // thetaI = thetaI + arcs[i] / 2 + arcs[i + 1] / 2
        // but again we leave the last term to the start of the next loop...
        thetaI += direction * arcs[i] / 2

func chordToArc(_ chord: CGFloat, radius: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
    // *******************************************************
    // Simple geometry
    // *******************************************************
    return 2 * asin(chord / (2 * radius))

func centre(text str: String, context: CGContext, radius r: CGFloat, angle theta: CGFloat, colour c: UIColor, font: UIFont, slantAngle: CGFloat) {
    // *******************************************************
    // This draws the String str centred at the position
    // specified by the polar coordinates (r, theta)
    // i.e. the x= r * cos(theta) y= r * sin(theta)
    // and rotated by the angle slantAngle
    // *******************************************************

    // Set the text attributes
    let attributes = [NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor: c, NSAttributedStringKey.font: font]
    //let attributes = [NSForegroundColorAttributeName: c, NSFontAttributeName: font]
    // Save the context
    // Undo the inversion of the Y-axis (or the text goes backwards!)
    context.scaleBy(x: 1, y: -1)
    // Move the origin to the centre of the text (negating the y-axis manually)
    context.translateBy(x: r * cos(theta), y: -(r * sin(theta)))
    // Rotate the coordinate system
    context.rotate(by: -slantAngle)
    // Calculate the width of the text
    let offset = str.size(withAttributes: attributes)
    // Move the origin by half the size of the text
    context.translateBy (x: -offset.width / 2, y: -offset.height / 2) // Move the origin to the centre of the text (negating the y-axis manually)
    // Draw the text
    str.draw(at: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0), withAttributes: attributes)
    // Restore the context

// *******************************************************
// Playground code to test
// *******************************************************
let size = CGSize(width: 256, height: 256)

UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, true, 0.0)
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()!
// *******************************************************************
// Scale & translate the context to have 0,0
// at the centre of the screen maths convention
// Obviously change your origin to suit...
// *******************************************************************
context.translateBy (x: size.width / 2, y: size.height / 2)
context.scaleBy(x: 1, y: -1)

centreArcPerpendicular(text: "Hello round                   
ответ дан Grimxn 15 August 2018 в 16:36
  • 1
    Приобретено за включение самых удивительно обширных комментариев, которые я видел за 40 лет ... – matt 25 September 2015 в 15:31
  • 2
    Я говорю вам, когда вы дойдете до моего возраста, есть / нет / я мог вспомнить, что делает весь мой код без него !!! :) – Grimxn 25 September 2015 в 15:33
  • 3
    Это абсолютно ошеломляющий ответ! Не могли бы вы добавить лицензию, в соответствии с которой ваш фрагмент доступен? Корпоративный дружественный MIT, BSD или Apache были бы замечательными :) – nobre 2 August 2016 в 05:48
  • 4
    Если вам не нужен текст для центрирования, но начинайте с начальной координаты, измените строку var thetaI = theta-direction * totalArc / 2 на var thetaI = theta; – JoeGalind 4 September 2016 в 04:05
  • 5
    UILabel наследует от UIView, поэтому подкласс UILabel затем помещает это в ваш override func draw(_ rect: CGRect). – Grimxn 22 September 2016 в 16:30

@IBDesignable для UILabel на круговом пути для Swift 2

Большое спасибо как для @Grimxn, так и для @ mark-moeykens за абсолютно убийственную работу. Я сделал небольшой рефактор по работе Марка, поэтому я мог использовать его в проекте, который не успел обновиться до Swift 3. Хотелось поделиться, так как предыдущие сообщения были настолько полезными.

Код Swift 2 для пользовательского UILabel

import UIKit

class ArcUILabel: UILabel
    // *******************************************************
    // DEFINITIONS (Because I'm not brilliant and I'll forget most this tomorrow.)
    // Radius: A straight line from the center to the circumference of a circle.
    // Circumference: The distance around the edge (outer line) the circle.
    // Arc: A part of the circumference of a circle. Like a length or section of the circumference.
    // Theta: A label or name that represents an angle.
    // Subtend: A letter has a width. If you put the letter on the circumference, the letter's width
    //          gives you an arc. So now that you have an arc (a length on the circumference) you can
    //          use that to get an angle. You get an angle when you draw a line from the center of the
    //          circle to each end point of your arc. So "subtend" means to get an angle from an arc.
    // Chord: A line segment connecting two points on a curve. If you have an arc then there is a
    //          start point and an end point. If you draw a straight line from start point to end point
    //          then you have a "chord".
    // sin: (Super simple/incomplete definition) Or "sine" takes an angle in degrees and gives you a number.
    // asin: Or "asine" takes a number and gives you an angle in degrees. Opposite of sine.
    //          More complete definition: http://www.mathsisfun.com/sine-cosine-tangent.html
    // cosine: Also takes an angle in degrees and gives you another number from using the two radiuses (radii).
    // *******************************************************

    @IBInspectable var angle: CGFloat = 1.6
    @IBInspectable var clockwise: Bool = true

    override func drawRect(rect: CGRect)

     This draws the self.text around an arc of radius r,
     with the text centred at polar angle theta
    func centreArcPerpendicular() {
        guard let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() else { return }
        let str = self.text ?? ""
        let size = self.bounds.size
        CGContextTranslateCTM(context, size.width / 2, size.height / 2)

        let radius = getRadiusForLabel()
        let l = str.characters.count
        let attributes: [String : AnyObject] = [NSFontAttributeName: self.font]

        let characters: [String] = str.characters.map { String($0) } // An array of single character strings, each character in str
        var arcs: [CGFloat] = [] // This will be the arcs subtended by each character
        var totalArc: CGFloat = 0 // ... and the total arc subtended by the string

        // Calculate the arc subtended by each letter and their total
        for i in 0 ..< l {
            arcs += [chordToArc(characters[i].sizeWithAttributes(attributes).width, radius: radius)]
            totalArc += arcs[i]

        // Are we writing clockwise (right way up at 12 o'clock, upside down at 6 o'clock)
        // or anti-clockwise (right way up at 6 o'clock)?
        let direction: CGFloat = clockwise ? -1 : 1
        let slantCorrection = clockwise ? -CGFloat(M_PI_2) : CGFloat(M_PI_2)

        // The centre of the first character will then be at
        // thetaI = theta - totalArc / 2 + arcs[0] / 2
        // But we add the last term inside the loop
        var thetaI = angle - direction * totalArc / 2

        for i in 0 ..< l {
            thetaI += direction * arcs[i] / 2
            // Call centre with each character in turn.
            // Remember to add +/-90º to the slantAngle otherwise
            // the characters will "stack" round the arc rather than "text flow"
            centre(text: characters[i], context: context, radius: radius, angle: thetaI, slantAngle: thetaI + slantCorrection)
            // The centre of the next character will then be at
            // thetaI = thetaI + arcs[i] / 2 + arcs[i + 1] / 2
            // but again we leave the last term to the start of the next loop...
            thetaI += direction * arcs[i] / 2

    func chordToArc(_ chord: CGFloat, radius: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
        // *******************************************************
        // Simple geometry
        // *******************************************************
        return 2 * asin(chord / (2 * radius))

     This draws the String str centred at the position
     specified by the polar coordinates (r, theta)
     i.e. the x= r * cos(theta) y= r * sin(theta)
     and rotated by the angle slantAngle
    func centre(text str: String, context: CGContext, radius r:CGFloat, angle theta: CGFloat, slantAngle: CGFloat) {
        // Set the text attributes
        let attributes = [NSForegroundColorAttributeName: self.textColor,
                          NSFontAttributeName: self.font] as [String : AnyObject]
        // Save the context
        // Move the origin to the centre of the text (negating the y-axis manually)
        CGContextTranslateCTM(context, r * cos(theta), -(r * sin(theta)))
        // Rotate the coordinate system
        CGContextRotateCTM(context, -slantAngle)

        // Calculate the width of the text
        let offset: CGSize = str.sizeWithAttributes(attributes)
        // Move the origin by half the size of the text
        CGContextTranslateCTM(context, -offset.width / 2, -offset.height / 2)

        // Draw the text
        let txtStr = NSString(string: str)
        txtStr.drawAtPoint(CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0), withAttributes: attributes)

        // Restore the context

    func getRadiusForLabel() -> CGFloat {
        // Imagine the bounds of this label will have a circle inside it.
        // The circle will be as big as the smallest width or height of this label.
        // But we need to fit the size of the font on the circle so make the circle a little
        // smaller so the text does not get drawn outside the bounds of the circle.
        let smallestWidthOrHeight = min(self.bounds.size.height, self.bounds.size.width)
        let heightOfFont = self.text?.sizeWithAttributes([NSFontAttributeName: self.font]).height ?? 0

        // Dividing the smallestWidthOrHeight by 2 gives us the radius for the circle.
        return (smallestWidthOrHeight/2) - heightOfFont + 5
ответ дан Jason Wiener 15 August 2018 в 16:36

@IBDesignable для UILabel на круговом пути

Прежде всего, я думаю, мы все можем согласиться с тем, что @Grimxn - ЧЕЛОВЕК! Его решение ударило. Я взял его работу и реорганизовал ее в пользовательский элемент управления UILabel, который вы можете установить и отредактировать на раскадровке. Если вы, ребята, смотрите мои видеоролики, вы знаете, как я люблю это делать!

ответ дан Mark Moeykens 15 August 2018 в 16:36
  • 1
    Отлично сработано! Предупреждение фиксируется путем изменения let attributes = [NSFontAttributeName: self.font] на let attributes: [String : Any] = [NSFontAttributeName: self.font]. Изменение типа словарей атрибутов произошло в Swift 3, IIRC ... – Grimxn 12 March 2017 в 10:50
  • 2
    Обновлено. Спасибо! – Mark Moeykens 12 March 2017 в 17:38
  • 3
    Отлично, но как вы можете установить радиус, который не зависит от ширины / высоты? Я хочу просто настроить дугу и изменить ее динамически, и даже вернуть ее к плоской? [Д0] stackoverflow.com/questions/44967174/… – Curnelious 7 July 2017 в 09:24

Всегда такая же реализация, но настроенная для Swift 4

import UIKit

class CircularLabel: UILabel {
    // *******************************************************
    // DEFINITIONS (Because I'm not brilliant and I'll forget most this tomorrow.)
    // Radius: A straight line from the center to the circumference of a circle.
    // Circumference: The distance around the edge (outer line) the circle.
    // Arc: A part of the circumference of a circle. Like a length or section of the circumference.
    // Theta: A label or name that represents an angle.
    // Subtend: A letter has a width. If you put the letter on the circumference, the letter's width
    //          gives you an arc. So now that you have an arc (a length on the circumference) you can
    //          use that to get an angle. You get an angle when you draw a line from the center of the
    //          circle to each end point of your arc. So "subtend" means to get an angle from an arc.
    // Chord: A line segment connecting two points on a curve. If you have an arc then there is a
    //          start point and an end point. If you draw a straight line from start point to end point
    //          then you have a "chord".
    // sin: (Super simple/incomplete definition) Or "sine" takes an angle in degrees and gives you a number.
    // asin: Or "asine" takes a number and gives you an angle in degrees. Opposite of sine.
    //          More complete definition: http://www.mathsisfun.com/sine-cosine-tangent.html
    // cosine: Also takes an angle in degrees and gives you another number from using the two radiuses (radii).
    // *******************************************************

    @IBInspectable var angle: CGFloat = 1.6
    @IBInspectable var clockwise: Bool = true

    override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
    This draws the self.text around an arc of radius r,
    with the text centred at polar angle theta
    func centreArcPerpendicular() {
        guard let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() else { return }
        let string = text ?? ""
        let size   = bounds.size
        context.translateBy(x: size.width / 2, y: size.height / 2)

        let radius = getRadiusForLabel()
        let l = string.count
        let attributes = [NSAttributedStringKey.font : self.font!]

        let characters: [String] = string.map { String($0) } // An array of single character strings, each character in str
        var arcs: [CGFloat] = [] // This will be the arcs subtended by each character
        var totalArc: CGFloat = 0 // ... and the total arc subtended by the string

        // Calculate the arc subtended by each letter and their total
        for i in 0 ..< l {
            arcs += [chordToArc(characters[i].size(withAttributes: attributes).width, radius: radius)]
            totalArc += arcs[i]

        // Are we writing clockwise (right way up at 12 o'clock, upside down at 6 o'clock)
        // or anti-clockwise (right way up at 6 o'clock)?
        let direction: CGFloat = clockwise ? -1 : 1
        let slantCorrection = clockwise ? -CGFloat.pi/2 : CGFloat.pi/2

        // The centre of the first character will then be at
        // thetaI = theta - totalArc / 2 + arcs[0] / 2
        // But we add the last term inside the loop
        var thetaI = angle - direction * totalArc / 2

        for i in 0 ..< l {
            thetaI += direction * arcs[i] / 2
            // Call centre with each character in turn.
            // Remember to add +/-90º to the slantAngle otherwise
            // the characters will "stack" round the arc rather than "text flow"
            centre(text: characters[i], context: context, radius: radius, angle: thetaI, slantAngle: thetaI + slantCorrection)
            // The centre of the next character will then be at
            // thetaI = thetaI + arcs[i] / 2 + arcs[i + 1] / 2
            // but again we leave the last term to the start of the next loop...
            thetaI += direction * arcs[i] / 2

    func chordToArc(_ chord: CGFloat, radius: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
        // *******************************************************
        // Simple geometry
        // *******************************************************
        return 2 * asin(chord / (2 * radius))

    This draws the String str centred at the position
    specified by the polar coordinates (r, theta)
    i.e. the x= r * cos(theta) y= r * sin(theta)
    and rotated by the angle slantAngle
    func centre(text str: String, context: CGContext, radius r:CGFloat, angle theta: CGFloat, slantAngle: CGFloat) {
        // Set the text attributes
        let attributes : [NSAttributedStringKey : Any] = [
            NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor: textColor!,
            NSAttributedStringKey.font: font!
        // Save the context
        // Move the origin to the centre of the text (negating the y-axis manually)
        context.translateBy(x: r * cos(theta), y: -(r * sin(theta)))
        // Rotate the coordinate system
        context.rotate(by: -slantAngle)
        // Calculate the width of the text
        let offset = str.size(withAttributes: attributes)
        // Move the origin by half the size of the text
        context.translateBy(x: -offset.width / 2, y: -offset.height / 2) // Move the origin to the centre of the text (negating the y-axis manually)
        // Draw the text
        str.draw(at: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0), withAttributes: attributes)
        // Restore the context

    func getRadiusForLabel() -> CGFloat {
        // Imagine the bounds of this label will have a circle inside it.
        // The circle will be as big as the smallest width or height of this label.
        // But we need to fit the size of the font on the circle so make the circle a little
        // smaller so the text does not get drawn outside the bounds of the circle.
        let smallestWidthOrHeight = min(bounds.size.height, bounds.size.width)
        let heightOfFont = text?.size(withAttributes: [NSAttributedStringKey.font: self.font]).height ?? 0

        // Dividing the smallestWidthOrHeight by 2 gives us the radius for the circle.
        return (smallestWidthOrHeight/2) - heightOfFont + 5
ответ дан Nicolas Manzini 15 August 2018 в 16:36
  • 1
    Одно крошечное дополнение, которое я сделал, это добавить «isRTL». boolean для языков справа налево, что просто отрицает направление, но не slantCorrection (поэтому текст не «перевернут») – GilroyKilroy 11 January 2018 в 22:19