Ivy не удалось разрешить зависимость: Что проверить, что сделать?

задан user178540 15 October 2009 в 19:30

1 ответ

The problem is, as you have realised, that those jars are not in the remote repositories. But they might not really be required for your program. The only reason Ivy tries to download them is because they are declared in the pom.xml on ibiblio. If you try version 1.2.14 you will see that these transitive dependencies are not in the 1.2.14 pom, and so Ivy won't download them.

Alternatively, if you wish to stick with 1.2.15, you can add an exclude element to your ivy.xml file to tell Ivy to ignore those libraries:

<dependency org="log4j" name="log4j" rev="1.2.15">
  <exclude org="com.sun.jdmk"/>
  <exclude org="com.sun.jmx"/>
  <exclude org="javax.jms"/>

Hope that helps :)

ответ дан 14 December 2019 в 01:11
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