splitting a continuous variable into equal sized groups

I need to split/divide up a continuous variable into 3 equal sized groups.

Example data frame

das <- data.frame(anim=1:15,

After being cut up (according to the value of wt), I would need to have the 3 classes under the new variable wt2 like this:

> das 
   anim    wt wt2
1     1 181.0   1
2     2 179.0   1
3     3 180.5   1
4     4 201.0   2
5     5 201.5   2
6     6 245.0   2
7     7 246.4   3
8     8 189.3   1
9     9 301.0   3
10   10 354.0   3
11   11 369.0   3
12   12 205.0   2
13   13 199.0   1
14   14 394.0   3
15   15 231.3   2

This would be applied to a large data set

задан Ben Bolker 31 October 2015 в 08:31

1 ответ

Можно также использовать эти bin функция с method = "content" от OneR пакет для этого:

das$wt_2 <- as.numeric(bin(das$wt, nbins = 3, method = "content"))
##    anim    wt wt_2
## 1     1 181.0    1
## 2     2 179.0    1
## 3     3 180.5    1
## 4     4 201.0    2
## 5     5 201.5    2
## 6     6 245.0    2
## 7     7 246.4    3
## 8     8 189.3    1
## 9     9 301.0    3
## 10   10 354.0    3
## 11   11 369.0    3
## 12   12 205.0    2
## 13   13 199.0    1
## 14   14 394.0    3
## 15   15 231.3    2
ответ дан 7 November 2019 в 09:13
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