Почему создает ли emacs временные символические ссылки для измененных файлов?

When I modify a buffer, Emacs automatically creates a temporary symlink in the same directory as the file being edited (e.g. foo.c):

.#foo.c -> user@host.12345:1296583136

where '12345' is Emacs' PID (I don't know what the last number means).

Why does Emacs create these links, and how do I prevent it from doing that?

Note that I have turned off auto save mode (M-x auto-save-mode) and disabled backup files (M-x set-variable -> make-backup-files -> nil). When I save a modified buffer, or undo the changes to it, the symlink disappears.

In particular, I'm trying to prevent Emacs from creating these links because they cause the directory timestamp to be modified, which causes our build system to rebuild an entire module instead of compiling and linking for one changed file :/

Thanks for any input!

Update: In order to prevent Emacs from creating interlocking files permanently, you can change src/filelock.c and build a custom binary:

lock_file (fn)
     Lisp_Object fn;
     // Unused code below...

Update 2: Arne's answer is correct. It's now possible to disable lock files in the latest Emacs (24.3.1), by adding this to your .emacs file:

(setq create-lockfiles nil)
задан Daniel Schuler 3 September 2013 в 18:59