Ошибка наследования интерфейса F # из-за модуля

Кто-нибудь знает, почему это не компилируется?

type MyInterface<'input, 'output> = 
    abstract member MyFun: 'input -> 'output

type MyClass() = 
    interface MyInterface<string, unit> with
        member this.MyFun(input: string) = ()
    //fails with error FS0017: The member 'MyFun : string -> unit' does not have the correct type to override the corresponding abstract method.
type MyUnit = MyUnit
type MyClass2() = 
    interface MyInterface<string, MyUnit> with
        member this.MyFun(input: string) = MyUnit
задан Guy Coder 29 February 2016 в 14:40