Java array initialization within argument list

How come the first call to someMethod doesn't compile without being explicit that it's String[]?

It's fine to use an array initializer to create a String[] array but you can't use it to pass an argument. Are the curly braces used in some other fashion for passing arguments that derails how I'd expect this to behave?

public void someMethod(String[] arr){
    //do some magic

public void makeSomeMagic(){

    String[] arr = {"cat", "fish", "cow"};

    //Does not compile!
    someMethod({"cat", "fish", "cow"});

    //This compiles!
    someMethod(new String[]{"cat", "fish", "cow"});

    //This compiles!

The compiler error is the following:

The method someMethod(String[]) in the type Moo is not applicable for the arguments (String, String, String)

задан Nick Swarr 14 December 2010 в 20:29