How can I create a URL based on controller and action method in Spring MVC?

I am using Spring MVC 3.0

I have a guestbook.jsp page where I want to create a link that points to GuestBookController's login method.

This is a simple task that most web frameworks handle this (e.g grails does it with g:link tag) but I couldn't find any documentation on this in the official SpringMVC docs.

So I am scratching my head - Is this functionality in some tag library? Does the framework expose it? Do I have to extend the framework to get this to work?

Note, I am not taking about hardcoding the url (which is an obvious but weak solution) but rather generating it based on controller and action name.

UPDATE: Spring MVC doesn't provide this functionality. There is a JIRA ticket though. You can vote here

задан 17 May 2011 в 18:37