Common Design for Console and GUI

I am designing a little game for my own fun's and training's sake. The real identity of the game being quite irrelevant for my actual question, suppose it's the Mastermind game (which it actually is :)

My real goal here is to have an interface IPlayer which will be used for any player: computer or human, console or gui, local or network. I am also intending to have a GameController, which will deal with just two IPlayers.

the IPlayer interface would look something like this:

class IPlayer
    virtual ~IPlayer()
    //call this function before the game starts. In subclasses,
    //the overriders can, for example, generate and store the combination.
    virtual void PrepareForNewGame() = 0;
    //make the current guess
    virtual Combination MakeAGuess() = 0;
    //return false if lie is detected.
    virtual bool ProcessResult(Combination const &, Result const &) = 0;
    //Answer to opponent's guess
    virtual Result AnswerToOpponentsGuess(Combination const&) = 0;

The GameController class would do something like this:

IPlayer* pPlayer1 = PlayerFactory::CreateHumanPlayer();
IPlayer* pPlayer1 = PlayerFactory::CreateCPUPlayer();


   Guess g = pPlayer1->MakeAguess();
   Result r = pPlayer2->AnswerToOpponentsGuess(g);
   bool player2HasLied = ! pPlayer1->ProcessResult(g, r);

By this design, I am willing to make GameController class immutable, that is, I stuff the just game rules in it, and nothing else, so since the game itself is established, this class shouldn't change. For a console game this design would work perfectly. I would have HumanPlayer, which in its MakeAGuess method would read a Combination from the standard input, and a CPUPlayer, which would somehow randomly generate it etc.

Now here's my problem: The IPlayer interface, along with the GameController class, are synchronous in their nature. I can't imagine how I would implement the GUI variant of the game with the same GameController when the MakeAGuess method of GUIHumanPlayer would have to wait for, for example, some mouse movements and clicks. Of course, I could launch a new thread which would wait for user input, while the main thread would block, so as to imitate synchronous IO, but somehow this idea disgusts me. Or, alternatively, I could design both the controller and player to be asynchronous. In this case, for a console game, I would have to imitate asynchronousness, which seems easier than the first version.

Would you kindly comment on my design and my concerns about choosing synchronous or asynchronous design? Also, I am feeling that I put more responsibility on the player class than GameController class. Etc, etc.

Thank you very much in advance.

P.S. I don't like the title of my question. Feel free to edit it :)

задан skaffman 7 March 2011 в 17:45