Display PDF in UIWebView using loadData

I am trying to display a PDF I have stored locally in a UIWebView. This is how I currently attempt to do this:

if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:self.url]) {
LOG_ERROR(@"Couldn't load local file. File at path: %@ doesn't exist", self.url);

nsurl=[NSURL fileURLWithPath:self.url];
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:self.url];
LOG_DEBUG(@"data length:%d",[data length]);
[self.webView loadData:data MIMEType:@"application/pdf" textEncodingName:@"utf-8" baseURL:nil];

I have also tried passing nil for textEncoding, as well as using UIWebView's loadRequest. The result is a UIWebView that displays a blank page. No errors occur in the UIWebView delegate method. The strange thing is that data has the correct length, in bytes, for the PDF I am trying to display, which means the file is being found and loaded correctly.

Does anyone have an idea as to what might be going wrong here or how I can better debug this problem?

задан mmontalbo 9 December 2010 в 09:11