Heroku app crashes, logs say “No such file to load — nokogiri (LoadError)”

I had a working app, added Nokogiri, to parse some xml, runs fine locally.

My Gemfile includes: gem 'nokogiri'

I ran bundle install and verified my Gemfile.lock includes DEPENDENCIES ... nokogiri

In my controller class I added (didnt thinkI had to but got an error locally if I didnt):

class MydealController < ApplicationController
  require 'rubygems'
  require 'open-uri'
  require 'nokogiri'

when I use my browser to get the url in MydealController that uses nokogiri doc = Nokogiri::XML(getresult) Heroku crashes.

heroku logs shows this error No such file to load -- nokogiri (LoadError)

Looking at what happens when I git push heroku I do not see nokogiri on the list of many many gems that get installed. Heroku says the push was fine, but nokogiri is not listed and I get the aforementioned error...

задан Phrogz 11 February 2011 в 20:31