Request method 'POST' not supported

According to the Spring Documentation here:

While HTTP defines these four methods, HTML only supports two: GET and POST. Fortunately, there are two possible workarounds: you can either use JavaScript to do your PUT or DELETE, or simply do a POST with the 'real' method as an additional parameter (modeled as a hidden input field in an HTML form).

They have done the latter, and can be achieved with the following spring MVC form tag:


The problem is when i click 'Delete' my page throws the following error:

HTTP Status 405 - Request method 'POST' not supported

I changed the debug level of org.springframework.web to debug and found the following message:

DEBUG AnnotationMethodHandlerExceptionResolver - Resolving exception from handler []:
org.springframework.web.HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException: Request method 'POST' not supported

I used RestClient with DELETE method and the method is called as expected. What am I doing wrong here?

задан Joopiter 4 November 2010 в 03:17