Loading embedded resource .rtf file into richtextbox on load C#

Ok so I read about loading an embedded rtf into a rich text box and I am trying to do it when the form loads. The form is not the main form, it is a second form that loads when a control is clicked. This is what I have on the form when it loads:

private void Credits_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Assembly creditAssm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
    using (Stream creditStream =
        creditsRichTextBox.LoadFile(creditStream, RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText);

In the solution explorer the rtf file shows as a resource and the build action is set to embedded resource.

when I click the button to load the form, it shows as expected, but nothing happens. The contents of the rtf doesn't seem to show :/

I can only assume I am doing it wrong :(

Any help for this newbie would be appreciated.

задан starblue 27 February 2011 в 21:00