Java inner class with the same name as other top level class

I have question related to Java inner classes.

Is there a way to access top level class A from top level class Main that define inner class A?

Below is sample code demonstrating the problem:

class A {   // Outer Class A
    System.out.println("A outer");

class B {   // Outer Class B
    System.out.println("B outer"); 

public class Main { 
  class A {  // Inner Class A
      System.out.println("A inner");

  public void newA() {      
    class A {   // Local Class A
        System.out.println("A local");
    new A();

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    new Main().newA();  // prints "A local"
    new Main().new A(); // prints "A inner"
    //new A();    // compiler error: No enclosing instance of type Main is Accessible.
    new B();      // but this works and prints "B outer" 
задан Roman C 16 November 2016 в 22:57