How to debug and tune the memory settings of my jenkins maven build

У меня есть настройка системы CI на основе Jenkins на сервере Windows 2003 (8 ядер, 8 из которых 16 ГБ находятся в «режиме ожидания» согласно монитору ресурсов). There are two main jobs configured, both based on multi module projects.

I suspecting that the build performance could be improved by tweaking the memory settings (-xmx) of the builds. But there are just to many places to configure stuff and not enough places to monitor success. So my questions are:

  • How can I connect with JConsole, or JVisualVm with jenkins and the build jobs, in order to analyze what it is going on in memory.

  • What are the default settings of jenkins for maximum heap size

  • What are the default settings of maven for maximum heap size

  • What might be reasonably values for such a setup

  • What is the best way to change these settings.

  • What other settings should I look into?

задан Jens Schauder 6 May 2011 в 13:20