Регулятор громкости миди Java не будет работать

Я уже очень давно пытаюсь заставить регулятор громкости midi работать в классе MidiPlayer. Я искал примеры для выполнения этого здесь, в stackoverflow и по всему Интернету, но ничего из того, что я пробовал, никогда не работало. Объем остается прежним! Он не меняется так, как я хочу.

Я использую Java 1.6.0_32 в Windows 7 Professional.

Вот! Имейте SSCCE:

  import java.io.*;
  import javax.sound.midi.*;
  import java.net.URL;

  public class MidiSSCCE {
     public static void main(String[] args)
        // creates the midi player and sets up its sequencer and synthesizer.
        MidiPlayer midiP = new MidiPlayer();    
        double volume = 1.0;

        // loads a midi from a url into the sequencer, but doesn't start playing it yet.

        // set the midi to loop indefinitely.

        // start playing the midi.

        // while loop changes the volume of the midi while it is playing.
        while(true) {
           try { Thread.sleep(300); } catch(Exception e) {}
           volume -= 0.1;
           if(volume < 0) volume += 1.0;

  * MidiPlayer
  * author: Stephen Lindberg
  * Last modified: Oct 14, 2011
  * A class that allows midi files to be loaded and played.

  class MidiPlayer {
     private Sequence seq;
     private Sequencer seqr;
     private Synthesizer synth;
     private Receiver receiver;
     private File midiFile;
     private String midiID;
     private boolean loaded;
     private boolean usingHardwareSoundbank;


     public MidiPlayer() {
        loaded = false;
        try  {
           // obtain the sequencer and synthesizer.
           seqr = MidiSystem.getSequencer();
           synth = MidiSystem.getSynthesizer();

           // print the user's midi device info
           System.out.println("Setting up Midi Player...");
           System.out.println("MidiDeviceInfo: ");
           for(MidiDevice.Info info : MidiSystem.getMidiDeviceInfo()) {
              System.out.println("\t" + info.getName() + ": " +info.getDescription());

           // obtain the soundbank and receiver.
           Soundbank soundbank = synth.getDefaultSoundbank();
           if(soundbank == null) {
              receiver = MidiSystem.getReceiver();
              usingHardwareSoundbank = true;
              System.out.println("using hardware soundbank");
           else {
              receiver = synth.getReceiver();
              usingHardwareSoundbank = false;
              System.out.println("using default software soundbank:" + soundbank);
        catch(Exception e) {
           System.out.println("MIDI error: I just don't know what went wrong! 6_9");


     *  load(String fileName)
     *  loads a midi file into this MidiPlayer.
     *  Preconditions: fileName is the name of the midi file to be loaded.
     *  Postconditions: fileName is loaded and is ready to be played.

     public void load(String fileName, boolean isOnline) {
        try {
           URL midiURL;
           if(isOnline) midiURL = new URL(fileName);
           else midiURL =  getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(fileName);

           seq = MidiSystem.getSequence(midiURL);


           // load our sequence into the sequencer.

           loaded = true;
        catch(IOException ioe) {
           System.out.println("MIDI error: Problem occured while reading " + midiFile.getName() + ".");
        catch(InvalidMidiDataException imde)  {
           System.out.println("MIDI error: " + midiFile.getName() + " is not a valid MIDI file or is unreadable.");
        catch(Exception e)  {
           System.out.println("MIDI error: I just don't know what went wrong! 6_9");

     *  unload()
     *  Unloads the current midi from the MidiPlayer and releases its resources from memory.

     public void unload() {
        midiFile = null;
        loaded = false;


     *  play(boolean reset)
     *  plays the currently loaded midi.
     *  Preconditions: reset tells our midi whether or nor to begin playing from the start of the midi file's current loop start point.
     *  Postconditions: If reset is true, then the loaded midi begins playing from its loop start point (default 0). 
     *      If reset is false, then the loaded midi resumes playing from its current position.

     public void play(boolean reset) {
        if(reset)   seqr.setTickPosition(seqr.getLoopStartPoint());

     *  stop()
     *  Pauses the current midi if it was playing.

     public void stop() {
        if(seqr.isOpen())   seqr.stop();

     *  isRunning()
     *  Returns true if the current midi is playing. Returns false otherwise.

     public boolean isRunning() {
        return seqr.isRunning();

     *  loop(int times)
     *  Sets the current midi to loop from start to finish a specific number of times.
     *  Preconditions: times is the number of times we want our midi to loop.
     *  Postconditions: The current midi is set to loop times times. 
     *      If times = -1, the current midi will be set to loop infinitely.

     public void loop(int times)

     *  loop(int times)
     *  Sets the current midi to loop from a specified start point to a specified end point a specific number of times.
     *  Preconditions: times is the number of times we want our midi to loop.
     *      start is our loop's start point in ticks.
     *      end is our loop's end point in ticks.
     *  Postconditions: The current midi is set to loop from tick start to tick end times times. 
     *      If times = -1, the current midi will be set to loop infinitely.

     public void loop(int times, long start, long end) {
        if(start < 0)   start = 0;
        if(end > seqr.getSequence().getTickLength() || end <= 0)   end = seqr.getSequence().getTickLength();

        if(start >= end && end != -1)   start = end-1;


        if(times == -1)   seqr.setLoopCount(Sequencer.LOOP_CONTINUOUSLY);
        else   seqr.setLoopCount(times);


     public void setVolume(double vol) {
        System.out.println("Midi volume change request: " + vol);

        try {
           if(usingHardwareSoundbank) {
              ShortMessage volumeMessage = new ShortMessage();
              for ( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) {
                 volumeMessage.setMessage( ShortMessage.CONTROL_CHANGE, i, 7, (int)(vol*127) );
                 receiver.send( volumeMessage, -1 );
           else {
              MidiChannel[] channels = synth.getChannels();

              for( int c = 0; c < channels.length; c++ ) {
                 if(channels[c] != null)   channels[c].controlChange( 7, (int)( vol*127) );
        catch ( Exception e ) {


Я пробовал примеры из следующих источников без успеха:


Как контролировать громкость MIDI-канала


MIDI-композиция с CC



задан Community 23 May 2017 в 12:14