Вопросы и ответы по программированию


Что делает script: в powershell?

Я видел этот синтаксис для переменной раньше и не совсем уверен, что это такое: $ script: Foo = "Bar"
дата: 2 December 2010 11:28

Escape sequence \f - form feed - what exactly is it?

\f is said to be the form feed. \t is a tab, \a is a beep, \n is a newline. What exactly is a form feed - \f? The following program #include int main() { std::cout << "hello\...
дата: 2 December 2010 11:28

Dojo Singleton or at least static method/variable?

does anyone know how to make a Dojo Class a singleton, or at least how to create a static method or variable in a dojo class? I currently achieve this by having a global Variable for each class and a ...
дата: 2 December 2010 11:27

Disadvantages to using lots of if statements

Apart from code readability, why is it bad to use lots of if statements?
дата: 2 December 2010 11:17

Is it possible to “upload” a file only with client side ? (no server involved)

I am trying to do a simple thing: Let the user choose a txt file, and save its context to be used on the client side only. серверная сторона не нужна. Является ли это возможным ? Спасибо.
дата: 2 December 2010 11:14

How to create a multi-page PDF-file with Gnuplot?

I make a dozen of plots with Gnuplot on Mac via ruby-gnuplot. If I re-run my ruby script, then the number of open windows with the plots doubles. If I could just output all these plots in a PDF opened ...
дата: 2 December 2010 11:12

how to use Maven with jazz RTC?

I am using maven with subversion and clearcase for more than 4 years. My new project is in Jazz RTC with Ant as a build tool. I want to move from Ant to Maven2 or Maven3. I am new to Jazz RTC. Please ...
дата: 2 December 2010 11:11

Как обеспечить выполнение уникального встроенного документа в монгоиде

У меня есть следующий класс модели Person include Mongoid :: Document embeds_many: tasks end class Task включает Mongoid :: Document embedded_in: commit,: inverse_of =>: tasks field: name конец ...
дата: 2 December 2010 11:10

Nested batch for loops

The following nested for-loop drives me mad (on Windows 7): @echo off SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion set TESTDIRS=fast mid slow set TD=src\test\resources\testsuite for %%d in (%TESTDIRS%) do ( ...
дата: 2 December 2010 10:59

undefined reference to pthread_create in c program on eclipse (Fedora)

I have a problem in building a c thread program. Program is giving error like "undefined reference to pthread_creat". I searched and found to use gcc options like "gcc -lpthread -o ...." But I ...
дата: 2 December 2010 10:59

CSS, заполнить всю ширину div текстом

Как автоматически изменять расстояние между буквами. Я хочу, чтобы текст занимал всю ширину div. Текст не статичен. (Всегда меняющий текст, может быть 123 "или" текстовый текст "...)