Cannot get Remote Debugging working with VS2010

I have a server and a workstation on the same corporate domain. My user is a local administrator on both machines. I have Installed the VS2010 version of MSVSMON and set it to run as a service on the server under my user DOMAIN\greg.b (I gave myself "log on as service"). I log onto the server using my domain account and start Remote Debug monitor. I then connect to the server from my Visual Studio. In the monitor on the server I can see

23/09/2010 16:26:33 DOMAIN\greg.b connected.

Then a moment later, I get a dialog from Visual Studio saying

Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor named 'SERVER_NAME'. The Visual Studio Remote Debugger on the target computer cannot connect back to this computer. A firewall may be preventing communication via DCOM to the local computer.

I've got the DCOM ports open (TCP 135) on both my workstation and server as detailed here.
Я пробовал это с отключенной службой брандмауэра Windows.

Я совершенно в тупике!

Сервер работает под управлением 32-битной Windows 2003 Standard SP2 и x86 MSVSMON. Моя рабочая станция работает под управлением Windows 7 Pro 64Bit и VS2010 Pro.

задан PleaseStand 12 November 2010 в 12:32