как построить тензор при прогнозировании в режиме онлайн после загрузки модели сохранения

Вы ничего не можете с этим поделать. но вы можете иметь изящное выключение, используя register_shutdown_function


ini_set('display_errors', '0');         
ini_set("max_execution_time",15 ); //you can use this if you know your script should not take longer than 15 seconds to finish


function shutdown() 
       $error = error_get_last();

       if ($error['type'] === E_ERROR) {

      //do your shutdown stuff here
      //be care full do not call any other function from within shutdown function
      //as php may not wait until that function finishes
      //its a strange behavior. During testing I realized that if function is called 
      //from here that function may or may not finish and code below that function
      //call may or may not get executed. every time I had a different result. 

      // e.g.


      //code below this function may not get executed





function other_function()
  //code in this function may not get executed if this function
  //called from shutdown function

задан 刘米兰 18 January 2019 в 08:51