Классический ASP amazon s3 rest авторизация

Я запутался в том, что я делаю неправильно здесь...

<script language="javascript" runat="server">
  function GMTNow(){return new Date().toGMTString()}

Const AWS_BUCKETNAME = "uk-bucketname"
LocalFile = Server.Mappath("/test.jpg")

Dim sRemoteFilePath
    sRemoteFilePath = "/files/test.jpg" 'Remote Path, note that AWS paths (in fact they aren't real paths) are strictly case sensitive

Dim strNow
    strNow = GMTNow() ' GMT Date String

Dim StringToSign
    StringToSign = Replace("PUT\n\nimage/jpeg\n\nx-amz-date:" & strNow & "\n/"& AWS_BUCKETNAME & sRemoteFilePath, "\n", vbLf)

Dim Signature
    Signature = BytesToBase64(HMACSHA1(AWS_SECRETKEY, StringToSign))

Dim Authorization
    Authorization = "AWS " & AWS_ACCESSKEY & ":" & Signature

Dim AWSBucketUrl
    AWSBucketUrl = "http://s3.amazonaws.com/" & AWS_BUCKETNAME

With Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
    .open "PUT", AWSBucketUrl & sRemoteFilePath, False
    .setRequestHeader "Authorization", Authorization
    .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "image/jpeg"
    .setRequestHeader "Host", AWS_BUCKETNAME & ".s3.amazonaws.com"  
    .setRequestHeader "x-amz-date", strNow
    .send GetBytes(LocalFile) 'Get bytes of local file and send
    If .status = 200 Then ' successful
        Response.Write "<a href="& AWSBucketUrl & sRemoteFilePath &" target=_blank>Uploaded File</a>"
    Else ' an error ocurred, consider xml string of error details
        Response.ContentType = "text/xml"
        Response.Write .responseText
    End If
End With

Function GetBytes(sPath)
    dim fs,f
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set f=fs.GetFile(sPath)
GetBytes = f.Size
set f=nothing
set fs=nothing
End Function

Function BytesToBase64(varBytes)
    With Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument").CreateElement("b64")
        .dataType = "bin.base64"
        .nodeTypedValue = varBytes
        BytesToBase64 = .Text
    End With
End Function

Function HMACSHA1(varKey, varValue)
    With Server.CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1")
        .Key = UTF8Bytes(varKey)
        HMACSHA1 = .ComputeHash_2(UTF8Bytes(varValue))
    End With
End Function

Function UTF8Bytes(varStr)
    With Server.CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding")
        UTF8Bytes = .GetBytes_4(varStr)
    End With
End Function

Теперь получаю сообщение об ошибке.

msxml3.dll error '800c0008'

The download of the specified resource has failed.

/s3.asp, line 39
задан Babelabout 12 January 2013 в 21:32