Сброс пользовательской высоты UITableViewCell, когда iPhone повернут

Для этого нужно использовать функцию glom(). Давайте возьмем пример.

Давайте сначала создадим DataFrame.

rdd=sc.parallelize([('a',22),('b',1),('c',4),('b',1),('d',2),('e',0),('d',3),('a',1),('c',4),('b',7),('a',2),('f',1)] )
df=df.repartition(5,"key") # Make 5 Partitions

Количество разделов -

print("Number of partitions: {}".format(df.rdd.getNumPartitions())) 
    Number of partitions: 5

Количество строк / элементов в каждом разделе. Это может дать вам представление о перекосе -

print('Partitioning distribution: '+ str(df.rdd.glom().map(len).collect()))
    Partitioning distribution: [3, 3, 2, 2, 2]

Посмотрите, как на самом деле строки распределяются по разделам. Обратите внимание, что если набор данных большой, то ваша система может выйти из строя из-за нехватки памяти OOM.

print("Partitions structure: {}".format(df.rdd.glom().collect()))
    Partitions structure: [
       #Partition 1        [Row(key='a', value=22), Row(key='a', value=1), Row(key='a', value=2)], 
       #Partition 2        [Row(key='b', value=1), Row(key='b', value=1), Row(key='b', value=7)], 
       #Partition 3        [Row(key='c', value=4), Row(key='c', value=4)], 
       #Partition 4        [Row(key='e', value=0), Row(key='f', value=1)], 
       #Partition 5        [Row(key='d', value=2), Row(key='d', value=3)]
задан Community 8 February 2017 в 14:12

1 ответ

Others have given you the in-memory way using set(), and this is generally going to be the fastest way, and should not tax your memory for a 60k word dataset (a few MiBs at most). You should be able to construct your set with:

s = set(word.strip() for word in f)

However, it does require some time to load the set into memory. If you are checking lots of words, this is no problem - the lookup time will more than make up for it. However if you're only going to be checking one word per command execution (eg. this is a commandline app like "checkenglish [word]" ) the startup time will be longer than it would have taken you just to search through the file line by line.

If this is your situation, or you have a much bigger dataset, using an on-disk format may be better. The simplest way would be using the dbm module. Create such a database from a wordlist with:

import dbm
db = dbm.open('words.db','c')
for word in f:
    db[word] = '1'

Then your program can check membership with:

db = dbm.open('words.db','r')
if db.has_key(word):
    print "%s is english" % word
    print "%s is not english" % word

This will be slower than a set lookup, since there will be disk access, but will be faster than searching, have low memory use and no significant initialisation time.

There are also other alternatives, such as using a SQL database (eg sqlite).

withRowAnimation: только для версии 3.0. Это добавит анимацию.

Изменить: И вам также понадобится правильный tableView: heightForRowAtIndexPath:

- (CGFloat) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
    CGSize textSize = [[self textForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath] sizeWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:14] constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake([tableView frame].size.width - 20, 500)];
    return textSize.height + 13.0f;

(где textForRowAtIndexPath: - метод, возвращающий текст ячейки)

ответ дан 14 December 2019 в 13:45
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